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Blurry with HDR

Blurry with HDR

Hi! I make pictures for webshop about little pillows in different colours with my Nex3K. I want have very sharp pictures with very good colours on the screen. I use tripod. I tried with Auto-DRO and Auto-HDR but the pictures are very blurry.:smileyconfused:

Please, help me, how shall I adjust my camera for best result?


To be honest it doesn't look like the camera has even focussed on the pillow. HDR and DRO wouldn't do that. If you want auto focus, ake sure it is selected under your settings.

First set Aperture priority - set around f8 to f11.   Set metering to "Spot" and focus on the brightest part of the picture and make a note of the shutter speed that the camera wants to use.   Then focus on the darkest part of the picture and make a note of the shutter speed again.

Now set to manual - set aperture to the same as step 1.   Set up on tripod and compose the picture.   Set shutter speed to slowest from step 1 and take pic.   Increase shutter speed and keep taking pics until you reach the fastest.   Please note that you should try to use a very sturdy tripod to avoid moving the camera between shots.

Finally combine the shots in HDR software - probably best to keep the number of pics you are combining below 9 and would suggest that 5 selected across the range should be sufficient.

Auto HDR is OK but no substitute for getting back to basics.   Hope this helps

Thank you, allamand. This is very advanced and I shall follow every word, I am very keen to learn professional photography.Softboxing, my camera is very new and I was astonished how bad the picture can be, I pondered about to show it. My question was not about that picture, but a "recipe", for the camera. I want to learn more about the camera, but it would be interesting to know what it the most optimal adjustment for this purpose.