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nex5rl black corners in Raw mode

nex5rl black corners in Raw mode

Hi there,


I've just bought a new NEX5RL camera and I've noticed that if I take a picture without any zoom in RAW mode then I get black corners as if the lense is being picked up in the picture. Has anyone else seen this? Is it a problem with the lense or just normal when in RAW. If I switch to JPEG Fine then I don't see it because the image gets cropped by the post processing in the camera. It also doesn't occur if the lense is zoomed out a little.


You can see it clearly in the image below though I have copied this from Aperture on the mac and so it's been converted to a JPEG from the original RAW file.






I get the same with my NEX-6 using the standard zoom lens. The internal processor will eliminate this for jpeg output.


I think you have to live with it for certain lenses or rather, learn to work around it. It is a hassle to have to crop every picture though!