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Real Time Gallery - The Results and Photos

Real Time Gallery - The Results and Photos

Hey guys and girls. I thought I would pop in and share some photos and a mini write up from the Sony NEX-5R Real Time Gallery event which I managed to visit in London on Thursday.

In general, I am pretty skeptical over exhibitions as a whole since it is difficult to appreciate the time and effort that goes into making something worthwhile to attract people. Something like this was quite exciting in the sense it actually mixed my addiction for technology and photography.

So the concept sounds pretty simple, a photography was located in Berlin, London and Paris armed with a NEX-5R and asked to capture photos. During this time, the photos were then broadcasted to galleries setup to receive the images to create a live exhibition.

I thought that this was actually a great way of not only showcasing photographers but also to show off the capabilities of the product itself without the editing or having the luxury of a studio and a dozen lights. My outlook on photography has always been about simplicity so I enjoy ambient light and a good eye. Whilst the latter does not require any special features from a camera, capturing light is a big thing for me so seeing the results in real time was a winner for me.

As the screens lit up as images were received, it was time to actually get down to business and start having a look at photos. The first thing that you noticed depending on the photo was the colours, they popped really well, something you would normally expect to be boosted when editing. I would go along the lines as they were accurate as members walked around with a Tablet with images also for people to view and discuss in more detail.

As more photos were beamed back to the gallery, it was time to start getting up close and having a look at what I was interested in, low light abilities. Noise has always been a concerning factor for a lot of people and I for one hate heading out for some street photography and having to take a tripod. Street photography for me has always been a concept of shots requiring minimal setup and generally spur of the moment. I would expect photos to be as colourful, vibrant and as sharp just like if I was taking a photo during the day.

Now with all low light photos regardless of camera, sensor and lens combination, noise is difficult to eliminate without sacrificing sharpness so it is finding the balance. I have to admit, since the introduction of the NEX range, low light capabilities have been very impressive. Lee Strickland who was photographing around London managed to visit a familiar spot which I tend to visit quite a lot, the tunnel underneath Waterloo Station which is filled with spray paintings however can be dimly lit.

Comparing the photos taken with a kit lens vs equipment I have used on visits was remarkable. Photos were clean and crisp. The blacks were black and the whites were white so I would say in the respect of low light functionality things are looking up.

One thing that made things tricky was the settings were not visible, only the photos themselves. As the night went on, I did start noticing noise in the darker parts depending on the exposure so I assume that these would have been the higher end of the ISO sensitivity range. I would not say that this would be a deal breaker since the light was fading and the cameras were being pushed. Having these same images printed would yeild more than acceptable results.

Now having spent many months with the original NEX-5 myself, I have been really impressed with the focus taken towards low light capabilities and the newer models have strengthened that belief. I honestly am looking forward to upgrading since having the ability to capture crisp shots without the need for a flash or tripod is just what my wallet and heart is screaming for.

The wifi capabilities are a really great touch. With the increase in wifi hot spots even expanding to the London Underground, I would honestly say it is something that I would have some good use for and the whole event has left me wanting to go out and try something similar for myself.

I would say it is hard to share any negative sides since this was more an exhibition of what can be acheived. It was more of an eye opener that taking an image does not mean you have to wait to share.

Other photographers included William Daniels in Paris and Paul Sullivan in Berlin.

For a full collection of photos taken from this night, feel free to pop over to my Flickr page.

Message was edited by: StartTheCar


Hey dude.

Thanks for posting your thoughts and pics of the night  We were chuffed that you could make it and I am glad you enjoyed it.  As always, your photographs are excellent!

We now have a video of the event, showing the guys in Paris, London & Berlin at work.

Best regards


Message was edited by: StartTheCar

Awesome vid, tells the story well & really makes me wish I'd been there... great showcase for the capabilities of the 5R.

Been meaning to check out Mitesh's pics on Flickr too – really nice stuff dude!


Mick :slight_smile: