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KD-55XH9096 problem with ALLM, and probaly many other Sony models

KD-55XH9096 problem with ALLM, and probaly many other Sony models

I bought a SONY TV to enjoy the benefits of the MOTIONFLOW, this option gives the feeling of playing a game in 60 fps even if its only 30 fps, it just fools our eyes but it WORKS!

Today, after my PS5 updated I sensed something strange while playing a game, the image wasn't flowing and smooth as it should, it turns out that somehow, the TV was locked in Game Mode and after messing with the options the TV informed me that I couldn't change the display settings because the ALLM was in use, and because ALLM is always on when playing with the PS5 I can't change the MOTIONFLOW options, this didn't happen before!

So, or it was the new PS5 update or it was the update from february for the SONY TV, either way, the TV is mine and it should have an option to turn ALLM off!

I urge Sony to fix this, you guys ruined the feacture I most love on Sony TV's.

Please fix this as soon as possible...


If you don't need to play at high refresh rate and low input lag it seems from the Italian community that setting the hdmi to 4k Dolby vision enable you to choose whichever image preset you like

Not applicable

Hey @RMDAG1981


Sadly from the TV it comes as a package, if you want 4K120FPS, you need to change the HDMI format to be on enhanced, but it also includes VRR and ALLM, and you cannot switch any of it OFF. The rest is to be done by the console itself, or the game settings. 

But as stated above, if you really don't need 4K120FPS gaming, just switch it to standard, or enhanced dolby vision. 


Hope it helps.