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Satellite channels disappear - android TV

Satellite channels disappear - android TV

I am tuning my Android tv satellite channels on a manual setup:

11591Hz 5 Degree W. This picks up the channels I want (French national channels: France 2, France 3, France 5, France O, LCP).

This works as expected. After a few days, all the tunning disappear, and the only way to get the channels back is to redo the tunning which takes a long time to do (setup 1,2,3 steps....

The TV is a KDL 43W809C receiving from the UK.

Does anyone know why, and if there is a resolution?

Many thanks

17 ODPOW. 17

No they go back to 101 and above.

This is a known problem but is not solved yet.


I suppose you also have the "SLOWNESS" during Digital channel adjustments.


Also deleted channels re-appear. They go somewhere above 10000 where you cannot see them and they ....... come back. You can see deleted channels above number 10000 only with the use of SonyEditor.

Well, this may be a different problem. In my case I select the satellite channel input, and I am presented with a screen where satellite channels are greyed out.

The channels cannot be found at all.

My only option is to re-tune the satellite reception.

Thanks for the answer nonetheless.

Hi again


You mean you select General Satellite, you can see the channels grayed out and you have no other indication?

You don't see a message "No signal. Please check your antenna connection" ?


I have the same problem after reboot.

If I reboot while watching DVB-T or from Home Screen, TV after reboot opens to Digital(DVB-T). By that time if I select General Satellite I see an error of "No signal. Please check your antenna connection".

The trick to bypass is to go back to Digital and then select again General Satellite. This means that you have to select twice General Satellite. Then everything works fine. At least all channels exist.



I wrote a program similar seteditsony: SDBEditor (free)
in the next version is planned to import-export the sorting channels. maybe someone will be interesting

[Edited by moderator to remove link]

(register on the site for download)

KD-55x9305c + SPS4 1208b
Nie dotyczy

In my opinion, this type of community involvement should be encouraged, so I am reposting the link provided by @svansvan above.




//Note to UK Mods, please contact me if you disagree.

Hi there


I use SonyEditor in combination with SetEditSony.

SonyEditor given in German region is in fact a copy of SetEditSony but with very few functions. I cannot understand why.

For example if you want to delete a whole tp(frequency), you cannot do it with SonyEditor but only with SetEditSony.

Even if you delete all channels in a TP with SonyEdit this remains undeleted and as an empty TP.

The real problem is that because of firmware problem that channels re-sort and re-appear themselves automatically, all channels that existed on this TP re-appear again.

At least I have solved a part of this problem with SetEditSony. Deleted TP's do not re-appear but problem with re-sorting remains.

It shall be very nice if you manage to create a program like SetEditSony which as freeware has limitation on number of channels to delete

First I would like to thank svansvan for the program but the Forum now gives error 404 so looks like they have moved it.

I don't have a dish connected and have no need for the program at the moment but was getting ready if I do.


Good to see some positive posts for a change, so much negativity here.

Same here. In Firefox I tried a right click on the file link and selected "save link as". This downloaded a file but it is only 1.8k in size although the filename is correct. 😞 Before being able to use it though, I need to find out why the channels export button on my TV is currently greyed anyway although with the usual caveat expressed in other posts I can watch satellite channels okay. I have a google translate version of the 4PDA page we are looking at in which others have had the same problem This might give that same page in English. :slight_smile:

Just a thought, maybe the 404 error is because not registered and logged in at the site?