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HDR-PJ810 manual


HDR-PJ810 manual

Does any user of this device know if there's a better manual available?  The one provided is little more that a quick-start sheet.






Hi John,
Welcome to the Sony User Community Forum..

Is this manual any use or is this the one you have already.?

How do,

Thanks for the reply;  I'm glad someone read my rant!  Yes, that's the 'manual'.  Printed on recycled bog paper at a cost of approximately 2.5p.  I suppose I'm being picky, but after a lifetime in engineering I do expect manuals to answer my reasonable questions.  The Sony work of art relies on the 'explanations' given when you explore the option.  Take IRIS (in caps) for example.  Just as I wonder what the arconym stands for I realise they mean aperture.  Simple word, no acronym.  Been in use for about the last 120 years so no doubt it has to be superceded.  And what is USB LUN?  Or CTL for HDMI?  The manual is apparently written for people who aren't going to read it  -  or they'd use better paper.  Dammit, it's not exactly a cheap camera.


Having got that lot off my chest, I wonder if you know the answer to this:  The PJ810 comes with a good chunk of bullt-in memory plus a slot.  If I put a module in the slot, would you know if the camera will continue writing from one to the other if the first one fills up?


Best rgds



@Thalamus. wrote:
Hi John,
Welcome to the Sony User Community Forum..

Is this manual any use or is this the one you have already.?

You can also try to read it :slight_smile:

In the manual is written how to setup the target memory for your videos/photos


I have read the manual;  but neither it nor you answer the question I asked.  If I stick another 32 GB in, for example, it shouldn't be beyond the wit of Sony's programmers to have the camcorder write to the other memory when the first is full.  'Tain't rocket science, it just makes the most effective use of the memory.



Hi John,

it seems to me that the manual is pretty clear: it doesn't switch automatically from one memory to the other (of course I could be wrong since my own camcorder doesn't have an internal memory). If you mean that this is not what you would like it's a different matter, but having been a programmer I can say that is not that easy to manage two different memories, with different features , as a single logical volume: what do you expect for example if you finish the internal memory while in the middle of a video recording? it should have the file split in two chunks none of which is readable by itself? and what happens if you get out the SD with such an half file on it?

I think it's still better that you decide when to switch from one to another, but it's my personal opinion