
HXD995 DVD Recorder

My rcorder won't stop updating and no channels at all today


Have spoken to Sony store in Worcester and they tell me it is nationwide.Hundreds of recorders are stuck on update and they are waiting to hear from Sony regarding problem. Have been advised to contact them on Monday.They say it could be a software problem. Not good enough!!

i can only agree - mine and a friend have one and now cant record, cant EPG screen, total nightmare

Tried a tip from a 2010 forum.On the recorder,NOT remote,hold down power and stop buttons together for several seconds and then switch off and remove plug from socket for a couple of minutes,then switch on.This doesn't solve the problem about channels, epg etc,but it takes it out of update mode. As long as you leave it switched on you can watch anything that you have recorded but doesn't play dvds. If you switch off though it reverts back to update. Come on Sony,it's been 36 hours since this fault occurred, do something!!!!

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