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I have used this soundbar since Dec 2015 and when playing Blu-ray or DVD discs, the sound drops out intermittently, for a few seconds. I have noticed that this problem appears on other Sony Soundbars.
Connections, Optical Audio out cable
Blu-ray Sony BDPS1500 HDMI Gold cable
TV Bravia 32CX523 HDMI
At the moment I have changed the optical cable from the one supplied by Sony, to a thicker one purchased online. I will update this post if that has solved the problem.
Решено! Перейти к решению.
CHanging the optical cable and swapping the blu ray player for a newer model did not fix this sound issue. In fact it was getting more and more noticeable. Returned to store for a full refund after three months use.
Hi there
Just curious if swapping the cable solved your problem? Or are you still experiencing audio drop-outs?
Thanks for replying back. Its a shame you couldnt get working properly 😞