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web tv, flash player?

web tv, flash player?

I recently connected my TV (KDL55-EX720) and home theater system (BDV-E380) to the internet. It works fine, no problems with the connections or anything. Eurosport, You Tube, web browser, it all works fine (except Mubi but that is another story).  :slight_smile:


trying to use the web browser to access free web tv (which Sony promotes as a possibility on their web site) such as SVT Play or TV 4 Play (both Swedish tv channels) everything just freezes…

Can this depend on that Adobe flash player is not installed on the tv/home theater (or at least is not configured the right way)?

Since playing clips from for example Eurosport and You Tube works it is strange that this does not work… do they use a different method to show clips?  :thinking:

Is there anybody that knows anything about the subject?

I would be greatful for any information...



As i know , the Sony TV browser does not support Flash player , Sony consider flash player is a heavy plug-in overload the processor

""Since playing clips from for example Eurosport and You Tube works it is strange that this does not work… do they use a different method to show clips? ""

As you looking for the theory behind that , Yes , they are working in different way. The internet video content are first loaded to Sony server , just you get the streaming to you IP address , but when you come to browsing the same that time everything handled by TV itself

Thanks again KDL-CX520 for your answer!

OK, once again my fault. Not enough research before purchase...

But this was not the big question when bying, I´m still happy...

Work arounds are still possible... connect PC could be one...

Still, I feel a little misled by Sony advertising/promoting...

I´ve asked Sony the same question. If I get an intresting answer I´ll let the forum know.

Thanks again!

You are utmost welcome. keep in touch with the good news :slight_smile:

Kind regards