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Problem with the Screen Off Timer in my NWZ-E474 model

Problem with the Screen Off Timer in my NWZ-E474 model

Good day to all.

Barely a month ago I 've bought the aforementioned model. Everything went smoothly till yesterday evening. From that time on, every time I play a song, the screen stays always on, even though I 've already set it to turn off after 30 seconds without pressing anything. I 've tried everything: reset the device through the options menu, through the button on the back, set the timer to 15 secs, to 30 secs again... Nothing. There were a few instances in the meantime where the screen DID turn off after 30 secs, but they were far and between. The great majority of those instancies however were those where the screen stays always on. With this pace, the death of the battery is more than certain. I 've browsed the internet for a solution, but to no avail. As a last resort, I 'm afraid I 'll have to return the device or to give it to a technician to fix it, I 'm trying to find a solution by myself beforehand however, in case someone has experienced the same problem before and came up with an answer.

Can anyone help? I 'd be grateful. Thanks.