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Question about MDR-RF810R headphones

Question about MDR-RF810R headphones

Hello everyone! I'm new in the forum. Last week i have bought Sony MDR-RF810R (on the bottom of the transmitter it said TMR not MDR, i don't know why). I'm using them with my PC for listening music mostly and i notice something. In most songs i experience drop in the vocals when the bass is louder or i lose volume in general when theres some louder part in the track (something like auto volume control). Not in all songs, but in most of it. I don't know why. I'm using WMP12 but tryed several other players - same problem. Youtube - same problem, but if i played the video at the lowest quality the sound is terrible, but there are no drops in the volume. Tryed to reset the soundcard settings to default, switched off the EQ, turning off THX,  but the problem is there.

When i connect my Galaxy S earphones to the PC there is not such problem with the sound. Same with my pc speakers - no problem. Then i connect the Sony headphones to my Galaxy S - excelent sound, a little low, but no drops. When i connected them to my wife's Xperia P the problem is back - same as with my PC. If u are wondering the song is the same on the two phones and the PC when i tested the headphones.

So what's the problem and can i solve it. I want to listen the music in the way they created it to be, not with this auto voluming thing... or auto corecting frequencies... or something like that, don't know how to tell it.

Please if someone know how to fix it? Thanks!

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.

Message was edited by: parazaa

Message was edited by: parazaa