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Hi there
Bought an Xperia Z about a month ago. Had slight lag issues but nothing too serious.
My phone ran down and the battery died two days ago. I put it on the charge (its been on the charge pretty much ever since) with the red LED lit up. LED turns off completely when unplugged.
Phone will not turn on at all; have tried all of the manual resets (holding power button and volume button etc); have read these forums and searched the web for a solution to no avail. PC doesn't recognise the phone so can't reset it via PC Companion. Basically, I have an $800 unresponsive brick.
Very very disappointed to say the least. Phone was very well looked after, and to have it die simply because the battery ran down is extremely worrying. I've seen that this issue is very common yet there doesn't seem to be any definitive fix for it whatsoever.
Any help that anyone can give me would be really appreciated
exactly the same thing happened to me, although this is just a spare phone for me at the moment, as my Z3 keeps breaking as it is extremely fragile.
Same thing has happened to me. I searched this thread the first time it happened, and it helped me fix my phone. But this is the second time, it won't respond to anything I do, I have to send it to the SBE centre for repair. Anyone had any experience with SBE? I've heard a lot of bad things about them, so now I'm worried.
thats exact;y what min does!
My Xperia Z2 also died. Sony and my provider asked me to send it to their repair shop (Bachmann Mobile Kommunikatons AG in Stans Switzerland) as it was still under contract to my provider (Swisscom) and the repair shop (Bachmann Mobile Kommunikatons AG) asked for aabout US$ 600 to fix the Xperia Z2 saying I had changed the hardware, which was false. This experience has completely put me off Sony and Swisscom (a Swiss mobile telephone company). Together with Bachmann Mobile Kommunikatons AG, they seem to be dishonest companies. Sony made an inferior product and then denies liability for their poor product. Bachmann appears to be a dishonest and not very competent company both for asking more to repair a phone then it cost to buy a new (upgraded model) and unable to repair a problem that finally was repaired for less than 10 USD (by a mobile phone repair shop in West Africa whose owner laughed and said the "Bachamann people must be very incompetent"). Moreoever, Bachmann claimed I had changed the hardware in the phone, a complete lie and that its repair people actually cracked the back cover of the phone. And Swisscom, which admitted they had an obligation to repair the phone then changed their mind, told me that I had to pay about US $600, and then said they would keep the phone, only returning it when my lawyers contacted them. This was a very bad experience with all three companies. Luckly I have some say concerning about 10,000 employees who use Swisscom and can advise them on what brand of phone to use.
Sony Xperia Z2
Had it almost 2 years now without an issue to worry over, infact love the phone
However last night, I was using it to scan some food in to my app (i record what i eat for my training) I locked the phone using the power button and placed it in my pocket to eat said food. When I came to use it again, it was dead, I didnt initially think anything of it and thought the battery was dead. Attempted to charge it later on in my Sony dock but when I plug it in I usually get a 'ding' to tell me its charging and the LED light would come on...nothing. So i grabbed the Sony wall charger and plugged it in, LED showing red so i thought the dock charger was not working as when the battery is low, it does show a red LED and it changes at charges, amber to green when 90% above.
Woke in the morning with the red LED still on solid, would not turn on.... ummppff
So came to this forum and I have spent most of the day going through each and every solution..
I have a solid red LED when it is plugged in to the mains or a computer and attempting the power/volume solutions does nothing, in all variences. I do not get the vibrate, and no logo, just dead to the world with a beady red eye looking at me..
I can not get this phone to do anything other than red LED when plugged in, no LED when not..dead dead DEAD...
Contacted the support section, phone still under warranty, whci is supprising, but in a good way. Booked a pick up and sending it in to the repair centre. I hope all my stuff has successfully been backed up through Google cause there was no way for me to get anything off the phone at all
It is being picked up on the 20th, So probably wont hear anything until next week at the earliest. I will try and get back to the forum to update once I get a result from Sony.
Pretty sure that a number of the faults explained on this forum, although sounding the same, are completely different faults as such not all solutions will work for everyone
Good luck with it all, but if your phones are still in warranty and nothing works as suggested on here, use the support centre to get it repaired. If they are not under warranty im afraid ebay is going to be your best bet for a cheap phone to get you through or sign up for a contract. Dont assume just because you think its not under warranty that it isnt, I didnt think mine was as I have had the phone nearly 2 years, and it was
Not sure, but SBE is who im sending mine to on the 20th when its picked up, as long as I get the phone back fixed, exchanged etc ill be happy.
If not ill drive all the way down to Kent and the office they have registered and rip up there tech heads until someone sorts out the issue
ill let you know how it goes
Hi all,
Been using Xperia Z sinced 2013, problem on lagging with earlier android version and overheat..But it didn't causing any major issue (still can using normally).
Problem appear 2 days ago, at night when it show low-batt (blinking red led), and i connect to charger and leave it till next morning, it didn't charge at all. Puzzled by it and need to rush to office, i bring along and charge it in office with samsung charger.
When lunch time, i noticed it still not charging also, consult with nearby phoneshop they said possibly the port or battery issue. After knock off, using sony charger again i tried to charge and leave it till next morning, it charging and when turned on only until 95% (despite i leave it whole night charge).
Use it for normal usage (whatsapp chat, facebooking, browsing & call) again, after knock off already low-batt, reached home and rush to charge it. This morning it coma again, phone won't charge at all despite using sony charger.
Tried all the trick here too. Going to trying for dock charging to see whether is it with the port issue. Will update after i purchase the charging dock.