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you have to downlaod compass from play store..
is there any option to enable the flashlight via the dropdown menu?
to use the phone as LED flashlight.
i know, i could download a APP...
You can do it from the camera app,other way I do not know without a 3rd party app.
Is there any way to turn off the notifications that come up in text messages that say "Number of text messages:2" when typing a text? Under the plan I have with my carrier I have unlimited text messages so these warnings only have nuisance value to me. There is a similar warning that pops up when using "special characters" (emoji) which I would also like to turn off.
My Like on facebook feature of Facebook Xperia is not working.The like button is not showing from the Walkman app.
Can anybody help me!
My Xperia with facebook is in sync and my Calender is updated with Facebook friends birtdays but only the walkman is not showing the share with facebook button
I have a difficulties changing my time zone. I have tried picking /ticking the Harare time zone, however it does not effect any changes. This time zone affects my WhatsApp which refuses to work saying my time is incorrect. Please assist.