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After many months of having a custom sticker on my ambient display, I decided that a change was needed. So I got the image I wanted, went to apply it, and....... Error. Could Not Load Media..... Hmmm, that's strange. Clicked on None, before trying again...... Error. Could Not Load Media........ Oh well, I thought, back to the one that was on the phone minutes earlier....... Error. Could Not Load Media.
I am now stuck with either no sticker or one of the phones' own images, none of which I like.
Any ideas? The image is stored on the phone's own memory (not the SD Card) and is only 22kB big, compared to my old image which was 353kB, so it cannot be a size thing.
Rozwiązane! Idź do rozwiązania.
Well Sony got back to me, and they believe the issue is with the native google photos app, and has been reported to Google. So we shall see if a future update to the app resolves the issue!
They suggested a work around which works for now, and that is to uninstall the updates to the Google Photo app (back up your photos just incase!) by going to its entry in the playstore and clicking uninstall (it wont actually uninstall the app, it will only take the updates off). The ambient sticker now works as intended so you can choose the picture you want, and then re-update the photo app to the latest version.
Hi monkey_matt, did you make sure stamina mode is off? (Battery - STAMINA Mode in settings).
Yep stamina mode is off
Try to force restart the device and check again.
Also check in safe mode if the issue will be resolved or not.
Unfortunately still not resolved after booting into Safe Mode.
Try to see what format is the picture you want to apply! Maybe this will help!
The current format is JPG, cannot find anywhere if this is the right format or not. However, as the one that was removed about a minute or 2 before raising this topic is also a JPG and will not go back onto it I doubt that the image format is the problem!
However, to test, I have just tried using the same image, but as a PNG, but still get the same error
Don't think its that either, have tried 2756x2067 (which was the original image), 1427x1380 and 316x302, none of which work
Have now also contacted Sony themselves, see if they can think of anything