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Xperia 1 ii Proximity sensor sensitivity

Xperia 1 ii Proximity sensor sensitivity

Hi, I've some problems with the proximity sensor. Actually it works but the problem is that it is too sensitive. When I'm on a call and get the phone close to me head, the screen goes off but if my hands move just for few millimeters, then the sensor activates and the screen turns on and then again goes off, so usually the screen will be touched by my ear. Which as a result I can't keep walking and talking cause for sure the screen will get on couple of times. And if I hold the phone exactly at the same location the screen stays off. Can you please confirm if your sensor is as this sensitive? Or there is something wrong with my phone. I'm sure that on all my older Xperia phones it is not like this. 

Same results when I try with the palm of my hand. In the video my hand is over the sensor all the time. As you can see with other phones the screen stays off during the same test. I recommend you do it with your own phone. I've been using Xperia 1 ii for a couple of weeks and 80% of the times I'm on a phone call the screen turns on and my ear touches something on the screen. Which had never happened to me with any other phone before. The sensor turns the screen on with a very little movement, which actually should keep it the screen off as long as an object is within the 5 cm range of the sensor.

Nope, I've tried all manner of things, hands, a book, and my head(putting it up to my ear), and it's working fine.

Haven't turned the screen on at all, during calls, and works the same when taking it out of my pocket/picking it up, etc..

Are you sure it's not down to you having very shiny hair, or a shiny head, thus causing the sensor to go in to meltdown, as it doesn't know what to do! ðŸ˜† !! Ha- Ha!


Seriously though, have you tried in the dialler tests, dialling *#*#7378423#*#*

Does that even work still?, my phones in my locker.

😂 Yes I'm sure the problem is not from my side. I've tried it with my older phone and no problem. Actually never had such a problem with smart phones. I tried the code you send and still the same problem. I live in France so there is a chance that number of first production phones that have been shipped to France or some other places have all this issue. Sony support changed my phone and the new one has the same problem. I was hoping it to be software so it could be fixed by an update. But it looks like its not.

Would there be a possibility that a network update might have done something..or has your phone got the generic Sony one..maybe something firmware side.

I've the generic Sony software. Some other people around the world have told me they have this problem too. So we should see what Sony will do about it. Its a bit difficult to realize this problem on the phone, so I believe many people have this issue and haven't yet realized it.

Did you start your search at the beginning?

How is it in safe mode?

That is to exclude interference from apps you installed yourself.

Or side sense maybe?

Yes, I did try in safe mode, and also did factory reset the phone, but the problem is always there. So the software or hardware of the proximity sensor is faulty.

once again, it is we have already written to you. 

Let's hope it's just a software problem, but I believe so, because the proximity sensor works normally during the tests. You yourself were convinced that the second phone did it to you ... I have that problem too and my friend too.

Once again, hopefully this is just a software problem and let's wait for the fix ...


We have a lot of Xiaomi phones at work and they are famous for this problem. (Active touch display during a call.) I have advice for you on how to work around this problem:
When you pick up the call or start calling, then press the power/lock button. This will prevent the phone from being active during a call.

Mazymoozy please report this problem sony too a´t they know about it and can examine it so that we can fix it.


I think we can call this a problem solved. Have a nice day.


I have exactly the same problem. I am always turning on airplane mode with my ear. A problem I have not had from any phone I have owned in the past. I am close to selling this phone as it is just unprofessional when using the phone for work

Run the sensor test in the Support app, if it fails, give the software repair a go. I perform one every 2-3 months to keep things stable. If that doesn't work, then it ain't software and mostly the actual sensor could be flawed.