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Hi everyone.
I've been using Xperia 1 ii for 2-3 weeks and suddenly, side sense stopped working.
I see it is enabled on settings, I try all kinds of side tapping but nothing. Even when I go to the train side sense option, it still doesn't work. I don't remember any update lately and I have restarted the phone several times.
Any thoughts?
Rozwiązane! Idź do rozwiązania.
Could you give safe mode a try, it only keeps the preinstalled apps running, so it lets you know if anything downloaded, is causing the issue; if it's gone, on safe mode.
It works, if you press and hold on the power off option in the restart menu, check the performance and then to turn it off, just restart the device.
Try the touchscreen test from the Support app, which is a blue circle with a question mark.
Just did that, everything looks fine. But Side Sense still not working...
Could you give safe mode a try, it only keeps the preinstalled apps running, so it lets you know if anything downloaded, is causing the issue; if it's gone, on safe mode.
It works, if you press and hold on the power off option in the restart menu, check the performance and then to turn it off, just restart the device.
Hey CosmicTomato,
Actually when I was in safe mode it didn't work. I tried it in the training mode and there my actions were recognized but still didn't see the side sense.
After that I restarted my device in normal mode and finally it worked. Your advice actually helped me fix it, thanks
Cool glad I could help, and thanks it's good to know. Hurrah!