Xperia 5, last Xperia ever


Xperia 5, last Xperia ever

My wife and me have been using Sony phones since their partnership with Ericsson and We have bought 14 Sony phones over the last 16 years, since 2003 and our first Sony Ericsson T230 to the most recent compacts - Z3, Z5 and XZ1.
We were satisfied with our Z5 and XZ1 but Z5 had some issues with proximity sensor and scratched camera lens (both my fault) and XZ1 had a broken screen (her fault) which was too expensive to repair/replace so I had to buy a new phone. And unfortunately – it was the latest addition to our Sony family – Xperia 5 will be our last Sony ever (My wife already chose S10+ over Xperia 1 or 5).
So, here are the reasons why we are ditching Sony after 16 years of using Sony/SonyEricsson phones:
1. Shorter warranty in our country: while all EU member states have a 2 year warranty – in my country (Croatia, which is also an EU member), it's only ONE year for the same phone. Why?
2. False advertising Xperia5 camera as the same as in Xperia1. I know Sony did not advertise it, but every online review of Xperia 5 states that it has the SAME camera as Xperia1. TechRadar and GsmArena even copy/pasted Xperia1 camera reviews because 'it was the same'.
3. Unable to resolve problem with Google phone missed call notifications for almost two months (or even longer on Xperia1). And don't blame it on Google. I paid 850 € to Sony for a Sony product which I cannot use like I should be able to. Not to mention I already had a serious trouble because of this issue - I did not answer an urgent call from my business partner! What should I say to him? 'sorry for the convenience, but you know, I just bought a 850€ phone which is not properly showing missed calls?'.
4. removing 3.5mm jack and giving us the USB adapter to use with classic 3.5mm jack headset supplied with phone which leads to unexpected problems.
5. unable to use headset and charge phone at the same time. No, I don't use it only for music, I use it to talk with clients while we work on something. And yes, EC270 is not compatible with Xperia5.
6. USB type C connector on both sides of the supplied cable which makes Xperia5 unable to connect to PC without additional adapter.
7. No wireless charging and usb type C connector on both sides makes me unable to charge phone while in a car, without using additional adapter.
8. Also unable to use Android Auto which requires usb connection.
9. Fingerprint sensor issues
10. stopping development and removing Sony native apps and replacing them with Google apps (or not replacing at all – like Radio app)
11. Idiotic translating and localization of the menus and unnecessary use of shortened words in a way no sane person would ever use it. I will post more about this in another topic.
12. I just found out today - my phone is DUAL SIM model which I never ordered and it was not mentioned anywhere on local dealers web shop:

1. Each country has different laws on guarantees/warranties, so I would guess best bet is to speak to your consumer watchdogs or a consumer group.

2. How is that anything to do with Sony, if sites are posting inaccurate facts..

3. Again, it IS a Google issue, a bug they have never fixed. And just how is it Sony's fault you never bothered to answer the phone when it rang.

4.Go Bluetooth.

5.See 4.

6. Buy a usb to usb C type cable, you do get them on a thing called the internet.

7.Again, see 6.

8. See 6.

9. Have you set up fingerprints correctly according to the animation.

10. Unpopular or outdated apps are ceased to be viable, a shame but equivelants are there on Play Store.

11. Can't say anything about that, as English does me.

12. How is that anything other than between you and the retailer?

Overall hardly lays the blame squarely on Sony for you making the Xperia 5 your last Sony.

What difference have you seen between the cameras of the Xperia 1 and Xperia 5? The specs on Sony's website are identical for both models.

Did you not check to see if the Xperia 5 had a headphone socket or not before you ordered it?

Same question for wireless charging.

If you really wanted these features on a phone, surely you would have checked first before ordering, even if you were a loyal Sony customer.

Also, out of curiousity, I checked your warranty period in Croatia, and according to eu law, 

Legal guarantee

How long is the legal guarantee for new and second-hand goods?

 - The duration is 2 years but can be reduced to 1 year for second-hand goods.



1) Sony does not officially sell this phone in croatia. Check with your retailer. As per EU laws, 1 year warranty is for second hand goods

2) You should bring this with those websites and why is it Sony's fault

3) It is an Android bug. There is nothing that Sony or any OEM could do until Google fixes it. 

4) 5) 6) 7) 😎 Someone was lazy enough to not do their research before buying their phone. If you are lazy like this, your wife might choose someone else over you like she choose S10+

4) 5) 6) Is becoming the standard with every new Android phone

9) & 10) For once you have VALID ISSUES

11) I cannot comment on this, everything is fine in English and German
12) Sony's website for the respective countries clearly states if it is a single sim or a dual sim device. . Again you should bring this up with your retailer

Clearly you bought you did not do your research before buying the phone and you bought a device that was never made for your region. Man up, stop cribbing and own up your mistakes


In the original poster's defence, the specs are similar but not the same. Xperia 5 does not have the dram set-up, so it does not have the super slo motion. Howeve Sony never advertised that it has super slo mo and someone did not not do their research before buying the phone and is throwing a tantrum here


Why do other brands of phones, there are no problems with Google?



I'm also fan of SONY. I always was using SONY phones before or long time.

I'm not heapy of my new Xperia 5 also. I needed new phone I just bought it (It's THE SONY, :)) ) and after I found that it is verry different from my last Xperia X compact.

Long time I was using Phone program True Phhone.

1. In Xperia 5 there is just google phone book and when it sinchronise with google - all my contacts are deleted from phone. Ok I disabled sinchronisation with google. Then I can save contacts in a phone and use them. If I turn on sinhroniztion with google - I lose my contacts in my phone again.

2. If I remove WhatsApp in the same are removed my contacts from the phone. 

3. In my Viber App there was not accsepted option Sync contacts (Add Viber contactsto your device's contacts). I accsepted it and was siurprized again. I lost all my contacts again.

I tried to do the same on my colege's phone (Huawei with the same android 10) - no such strange heapenings. Contacts was safe and on Huawei you can use as google as phone contacts.

I'm heappy that I had backup of my contacts !!!

Problem very strange. I tried to see settings, restart phone to default ...   Problem persists.

Described problem is not only one which I was surprised. 

It would be nice to receive advice and help

I thank in advane

old user of SONY


3) Google fixed it with the latest update!!


Today I installed app Freshdesk

and my contacts was deleted from phone. My phone is up tu date.