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Google cast stoped working after latest software update. I tried to power reset and storage reset,but it didn't help.
The tv is connected to router via wire. My PC and sony z3 can't find google cast 😞
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Hi all
This issue is confirmed as resolved. See the following support article: HERE
just found my Mac OSX couldn't find my Bravia on google cast now too!
Just noticed the same thing! Not working from my iPhone 6s
Same problem here. Google cast used to work but will no longer work after the software update.
Multiple reboots and factory restores doesn't fix it.
Oh and I see multiple posters on the main tv fault thread has the same problem.
Poor show Sony!
I have a Bravia 55 inch 8505c - google cast on all my iPad apps (i.e. HBO and YouTube) stopped working after the update. Hoping for a patch real soon!
My GoogleCast has stopped working also, it did work after the update but when missing when I had to do a power reset. I have tried all the normal troubleshooting stuff inc full factory reset.
Sony please fix this because this update has broken more of the facilities.
I'm sorry to say the same for me!
Is there a way to contact Sony or do they check this forum? It must be more than us 4-5 people that have this problem now!?!
@Eban65 I recommend that you raise a support request here http://services.sony.co.uk/support/en/contacts/email
You should then get an acknowledgement and a case number. Looking at other threads it's everyone that has tried to use GoogleCast, a lot more than 4-5. Mine did not show as a problem until I did a power reset by holding down the standby button for a few seconds. (I had to do this to resolve remote control issues)
If you get any info please post back here to help others, the more people that report it formally the quicker Sony will realise they have broken the feature, so that it can be fixed before the next update.
Hi, this link go to the British support. I think I try to find a Scandinavian or Swedish support. But Thanks for the advice!