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Google cast stoped working after latest software update. I tried to power reset and storage reset,but it didn't help.
The tv is connected to router via wire. My PC and sony z3 can't find google cast 😞
Rozwiązane! Idź do rozwiązania.
Strangely, my TV appears as an available chomecast device only when it has been turned off/in standby mode for a while (~10 mins). An attempt to stream a video wakes the TV up, and for a brief period everything seems to be working just fine. Soon after the picture freezes and everything stops working again.
Hi guys
Csn someone test casting. I recieved information from another Expert that its working, as well as @motty79 also saying that its working.
Ps: through tinkering, ive screwed up my cast settings
Yes my cast receiver app just updated to version 1.16.45911 and it works OK for me now. Before this updated it definitely didn't work
Hi all,
I got the casting to work again. As soon as I updated the Google play App in the TV, I am able to Cast again. I can cast from Memopad as well as my iphone as before the 13th October update.
I hope everyone tries this.
I have the same issue on my KDL-50W755C Bravia - after recent update chrome cast stopped working - cannot see my TV on Windows PC, Telephone or Tablet...
My cast receiver app is already updated to version 1.16.45911, but this is still not working, anybody got any news on this?
I see that some of you got lucky with app updates....
Check for google cast updates in Google Play store. This fixes the issue.
Thanks Sony.
You work weekends after all, if needed.
My confidence in you is now partly restored.
Better information next time and everything is ok.
@Anonymouswrote:Hi guys
Csn someone test casting.
Please to say that my cast receiver app updated to version 1.16.45911 and it works OK for me also now.
Mine started to work after updating Google play.