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2015 Bravia Android TV google cast issue


2015 Bravia Android TV google cast issue


Google cast stoped working after latest software update. I tried to power reset and storage reset,but it didn't help.

The tv is connected to router via wire.  My PC and sony z3 can't find google cast 😞




56 ODPOW. 56

I've had issues with Google Cast since the last firmware update to the TV. It's been a couple months now still with no resolution. 




Newbie here. I purchased my new Sony Android TV last week. I have installed all latest availble apps' and Sony's versions, incl latest Google Cast version mentioned in this thread. However, CAST has stopped working 3 times during these few days and basically whatever I tried it didn't help(restart etc), at same time I could watch youtube via installed app on the TV. Also I could connect both my android phone and my wife's iphone to our other TV (via Chromecast and apple tv). Approximetely one hour later  (at each ocassion) casting suddenly started to work on my new TV again. Abybody having similar iusse as the original issue in this thread seems to be solved.


The Google cast function works for a while for me but suddenly it stops working and I have to reboot the TV to get it to work again. 

I can see the TV in a bonjour browser and it comes up as a cast device in YouTube but the TV seems to ignore the packets from the mobile. 




I set up my new KD49X8005C yesterday and seem to have run into a problem with google cast. When i try to cast anything to the tv i keep getting an error message and to try again. On the device i am casting from it says failed to load video.  If i turn google cast off on my phone the video works fine.  I have tried a few different devices and keep getting the same error.  Has anyone else had this issue or have any advice?

I have the 55×8005c and casting works fine for me apart from Netflix which I haven't been able to Google cast since I bought it three months ago. Also, and I don't know why, casting from the phone never looks as good as using the tv app for bbc iPlayer YouTube etc. The tv apps play silky smooth, casting never does. 


My Sony Bravia has the Google cast version 1.19.63098. When I tried to cast from iPad it does not work. The settings in Google cast in YouTube shows the message as follows " this page does not exist. It Maugham have been deleted as the feature does not exist or the url number is wrong" this problem  is noticed after recent software update. Earlier it was working. Can u guide to revive the app please?





I had the same problem with my KDL-50W755c. At some point I wasn't able even to start the cast. I've tried to update the Google Cast Receiver and it wasn't helpful.


Finally the solusion was to clear data of the Google Cast Receiver and do the "Force stop". When I've force stopped it, the application wouldn't start, even after the TV reboot. I was able to fix this with disabling the app, waiting a couple of seconds and enabling it again.


Now casting option works with no problem at all. I believe that there was some conflict in data between versions.


I hope this helps anyone :slight_smile: