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Bravia 43W805 Android TV not selecting correct colour temperature bug.


Bravia 43W805 Android TV not selecting correct colour temperature bug.

After being turned off for a length of time greater than the Daydream timer the TV will not select the correct colour temperature, Expert 1 after being turned back on.


I have everything connected via a receiver into HDMI 4, and use the Custom picture settings (although the problem effects the other settings too).


Steps to recreate.


1. Set the Daydream timer to 5 minutes (the problem exists no matter where the timer is set too but this allows for easier testing).


2. Set the picture settings too Custom and make sure the colour temperature is set to Expert 1.


3. Turn off the TV


4. Wait for more than 5 minutes.


5. Turn on the TV. 


6. The picture will no longer be using the Expert 1 colour temperature, even though it is still listed as doing so in the settings.


7. Go into the picture settings via the Action Menu.


8. Highlight and click on the Colour Temperature setting.


9. The picture wil revert to using the Expert 1 colour setting.


Does anyone else have this issue? I've tried a factory reset and it hasn't helped.

Tagi (3)
7 ODPOW. 7
Nie dotyczy

Hi there


I have gone through your instructions 4 times and i am unable to replicate this issue.  I used Expert1 as the colour temperature 3 times, and as you have said, even though it says its Expert1 - for me it still is.  So i tested using Neutral, yet again i could not fault it.


So unless someone else can confirm this issue (because i cannot) - however im not sure where to take this other than to advise you to contact Sony Support.


I too have an av receiver connected to HDMI4 with devices attached to it.




Many thanks for your reply and for attempting to replicate my issue. I've tried yet another factory reset and this time I went carefully through the initial setup process, which I had bypassed certain section of in previous attempts. This time it worked and it's retaining the correct colour temperature after coming out of standby and has been stable for several days. Not sure what to make of this other than it's possibly a bug during setup but I'm happy now it's working.


Thanks again.

Did the issue just went away?? U guys should check. Turn off tv for 8 minutes and see If it retained the colour temperature

We need help!! Help us anyone.

yeah...... MM brought this back for me too. :slight_frown:



Let's see if it works for you guys. is simple. leave all inputs, tv, bluray, youtube, other inputs, everything calibrated the same. go to the settings page, the to the picture settings while on this page with big icons, change the picture to VIVID and calibrate everything on it to MIMIC the picture configurations of your other inputs.



After one day, discovered that the FIX.... only solves as the tv is not gone to DEEP SLEEP MODE. After two hours the tv goes to deep sleep and when you turn on again, it has the wrong color temperature again. The fix only solves half of the problem -- it's only worth it you turn on the tv before 2 hours that you have turned it off.... So... This IS NOT A FIX... I am gonna try another thing. To put all the inputs with the VIVID mode and change the VIVID mode to mimic the configurations from the CINEMA pro (the picture settings I use) and try and see if this fix it. it PROBABLY WONT. This is just broke....