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Bravia KD 49XG8196 4K issue

Bravia KD 49XG8196 4K issue


Wonder if anyone can help with this please?


I am using Hdmi port 2 (4k/HDR) for My sky Box

Sky is set up to picture resolution 2160p-10bit.

Video Options on TV are set to;

     HDR mode & HDMI video range - Auto

     Colour Space - DCI

All good but the TV won't switch to UHD/4K .. When watching anything through sky just stays as 1080p and when I try to watch a 4K/UHD film in Netflix or Disney + through the sky box the picture quality is, well, crap! Virtually no colour, almost black n white and very dark.

When using the apps option all is good.


Any help as to what it may be? Will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance for any advice/Help   



P.S. I have tried resetting back to factory settings and is no different. Just becoming very very annoying.






Not applicable


The TV apps are working fine and Sky channels are working fine as well, but only the apps on your Sky box that are having problems.

It seems to me that it's a sky box issue. I'd suggest that you contact Sky support for this.

Maybe you can test the box with another HDR 4K TV if you have any.