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Feb 2016 Update - Android - Auto picture broken


Feb 2016 Update - Android - Auto picture broken

Hi guys, I have been told I need more confirmations of this isssue. Essentially auto picture mode no longer works correctly and gets locked to last previous setting. I need some of you to test confirm so I can get submitted as an official bug with Sony.


Steps to reproduce:


  1. Set picture mode to auto
  2. Change to say blu ray or ps4
  3. Picture mode will change to game / cinema.
  4. Switch back to TV, mode still locked on game / cinema 
  5. Please confirm if seeing the issue below.

As far as i can tell the latest patch has resolved the issue.

@Subcalvin wrote:

As far as i can tell the latest patch has resolved the issue.

This sounds encouraging. How much testing have you done?


Seems that the issue is not fully fixed. Had my pc hooked up to the same hdmi I use for my PS4, it automatically switched it to “graphics” (my menu is not in English) which it has always done. However, when I switched back to TV, it stayed at it.

 I changed the picture to Home Cinema, and turned auto picture back on (since switching modes manually disables it) but in the menu it switched back to “graphics”. So it seems that it is not completely back to where it should be.

@Subcalvin wrote:

Seems that the issue is not fully fixed. Had my pc hooked up to the same hdmi I use for my PS4, it automatically switched it to “graphics” (my menu is not in English) which it has always done. However, when I switched back to TV, it stayed at it.

 I changed the picture to Home Cinema, and turned auto picture back on (since switching modes manually disables it) but in the menu it switched back to “graphics”. So it seems that it is not completely back to where it should be.

Hmm, thanks for coming back. It seems that it is still broken and definently needs fixing. At least it has now been reported as an official bug.


I also still have the issue. I have a very simple way to test it.


Every night I leave my TV on HDMI4 (where my mac is connected) and a browser window open in a blank page before I go to sleep.


I never shut down my computer only the TV screen from the remote.


Every morning I switch on the TV the setting of the picture which I have set (Cinema Home) is being reseted although its the active selection on screen. I have to go to Cinema Pro and then back to Cinema Home to get the correct settings on screen.


Because of the white background I left on screen before bed it is very easy to understand if the TV keep the setting or reset it.

@giorgosgs wrote:

I also still have the issue. I have a very simple way to test it.


Every night I leave my TV on HDMI4 (where my mac is connected) and a browser window open in a blank page before I go to sleep.


I never shut down my computer only the TV screen from the remote.


Every morning I switch on the TV the setting of the picture which I have set (Cinema Home) is being reseted although its the active selection on screen. I have to go to Cinema Pro and then back to Cinema Home to get the correct settings on screen.


Because of the white background I left on screen before bed it is very easy to understand if the TV keep the setting or reset it.

Is this on UK or EU firmware?


it's a KDL-50W756C with EU firmware v3.317

Anyone know if latest firmware fixes?


Not as far as I can tell. Watching TV still uses the setting for when it is connected to my laptop. Adjusting the picture to Home Cinema and then setting it to Auto reverts it to “Graphics” (PC setting)

@Subcalvin wrote:

Not as far as I can tell. Watching TV still uses the setting for when it is connected to my laptop. Adjusting the picture to Home Cinema and then setting it to Auto reverts it to “Graphics” (PC setting)

Yeah just updated and seeing same issue. Doing a factory reset like I do for every firmware update.