Share your experience!
I just updated this software automatically; all went well I was told the program would be completed next time I turned the TV on. Now I get the same text (and a voice reading loud) and asked to confirm the personal data politics - but nowhere to do it! I cannot go on to start - and therefore no TV programs to watch.
What to do? - This is sent from Denmark.
@farmor48 Do a power cycle for the TV and disconnect all the external devices for 2 mins. After that check again if the issue remains you can perform a factory reset for the TV:
Tak for forslaget, havde allerede prøvet men desværre uden held.
En yngre nabo hjalp mig. Ikke sikker på hvad præcis løsningen var men det lykkedes at komme tilbage til min startside ved gentagne gange at trykke på forskellige knapper på fjernbetjeningen, pludselig virkede det som det skulle efter opdateringen.
Mvh Farmor48