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I keep getting...
"Parse error
There was a problem while parsing the package"
When tring to install
Show+Box_4.27.apk and Cartoon+HD_2.0.7.apk
Has anybody been able to get these working on Sony Android. What is the official download site for these files?
¡Resuelto! Ir a solución.
Hi guys I worked it out and wanted to pass on my findings for others. The issue was in fact that the link i was clicking for download asked me how i wanted to open the file. I was choosing my file managing software. I later realised that the link was actually for a file serving webpage, once i choose the browser to open it with I was then offered the actual link to the download and a sucsessful instal.
Google Chrome seems much easier to use than the browers that comes preinstalled on the TVs. It also handles downloads better.
Hi there
Sorry i cannot help you on this one, but thought id add this instead:
99% of the time, parse error is due to a corrupt download. Showbox works perfectly sideloaded on my TV, but you will need a wireless keyboard and mouse to choose what you want to watch.
I don't even bother with CartoonHD as it's megabuggy and force closes on various different devices I have tried it on.
I'm not going to provide a link to download the correct .apk files for the above, as they are easily available through Google, and both are Warez.
Hi guys I worked it out and wanted to pass on my findings for others. The issue was in fact that the link i was clicking for download asked me how i wanted to open the file. I was choosing my file managing software. I later realised that the link was actually for a file serving webpage, once i choose the browser to open it with I was then offered the actual link to the download and a sucsessful instal.
Google Chrome seems much easier to use than the browers that comes preinstalled on the TVs. It also handles downloads better.