Sony XE80 - Youview and recoring!!!

Sony XE80 - Youview and recoring!!!

I understand there's some kind of legal dispute between Sony and YouView. Does Sony have any intention of resolving this issue. It would be great if i could finally record and use YouView, rather than having the choice of one or the other. 


One of the major factors for buying a Sony tv was; YouView and recording. Needless to say i was pretty pee'd off to discover recording is disabled when YouView is enabled. Its like buying a new car, only to be told after you've purchased it, the radio doesnt work if you turn the aircon on!  Crazy and disappointing!


What legal dispute is this?

Not entirely sure of the details. I read, on another AV forum, recording is disabled when YouView is enabled. They suggested this is due to a legality/rights between Sony and YouView. Perhaps this is incorrect but it certianly makes sense as to why the tv disable the recording feature when YouView is turned on? 


Does anyone know different to the above and more importantly, are Sony going to allow both Y/View and recording?

I dont think its anything to do with legal issues, I think its just not implemented in the Youview software for the TV (which is a very old version of Youview anyway).


I personally find Youview very slow on the TV, much worse than my aging DTR-T1010 Youview box. I have ended up disabling it on the TV anyway.


My gut feeling is this functionality is not going to be added.

Ah ok.

Agreed YouView is slow but i can live with that. I quite like the ability to catchup from an EPG.


I purchased the XE80 as an all-in-one solution to replace an old Samsung tv, a TalkTalk YouView box and an Android box. I've mounted the XE80 on the wall and like the clean/minimalist look, would rather not have a shelf or cabinet just for a seperate set-top box.

If you want to record stuff, it’s worth knowing that you can jump in and out of YouView easily.


The first Android question in the FAQ at the top of this forum tells you how to jump out; to jump back in, reverse the process, but ignore the retune step, which you don’t actually need to do at all, as it will keep the tunings from before.  (And even any channel shuffles you did on the Freeview side - I put the HD versions, where available, in channels 1-10 :smiling:)


I would imagine that after setting a recording, you have to stay on the Freeview side until it’s captured, and I don’t know if you can play it back from the YouView side - both things worth experimenting with.


I do regard the whole Android/YouView thing as a bit of a misfire, or a pair of misfires, though; initially, it all seemed to have such promise, even if there were things to be ironed out, but Android remains clunky and buggy even after three years, and YouView stopped way way short of the capabilities it has on the boxes.


As to the reasons why, both parties’ lips seem to be sealed; no legal dispute that I know of, but I suspect the YouView footprint, and the space available on the TV for it, are the issues, and the reason there is no recording, and why YouView and satellite service couldn’t coexist (though I think @stormyuk said recently that they now can, so maybe things will improve in this area).


But whether YouView wanted too much space, or Sony offered too little, we may never know. @Jecht_Sin will tell you the Sony hardware is underpowered; that may be a factor also.


Big shame though, when Sony can get a better picture off an LG OLED panel than LG can, that Sony remain wedded to the current UI and its underpinnings :cry:


YouView Superuser, but not an employee of YouView, nor retained by them for this purpose. It's purely me speaking

YouView Superuser, but not an employee of YouView, nor retained by them for this purpose. It's purely me speaking

Yeh, the satellite function does work when you have Youview enabled now, since the last couple of firmwares.