Battery Draining Fast Issue


Battery Draining Fast Issue

I am using C5 ultra dual from last jan 2016. I dint have any problem till Sept 2017 but later that month i had noticed that my phone's battery started draining very fast. Even sometimes it shows some unusual behaviour like it suddenly runs down the charge level from 60 to 1% and while i put it on charge, within few minutes it goes up to 100%. All i came to know to that its battery problem so i contacted sony service centre to replace my battery. But they replied that C5 battery is discontinued and is not available. Later i contacted sony company office to know it and they replied it with same words. So in that case if battery is not available should i kept my C5 phone at home and use some other brand phone. I need a solution to this. Kindly help me in this regard.

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I'm sorry to hear about your issue, could you do the following 

follow the steps

  1. Charge the phone 100%
  2. use it as you normally would 
  3. once the battery has reached 10% 
    1. Settings 
    2. Battery
    3. take a screenshot of this 
    4. Menu 
    5. Consuming apps 
    6. Show all consuming apps
    7. take screenshots of the list
    8. tap on the top 5 items/apps on the list and take screenshots of each
    9. post them all here

I tried this before but its draining so fast that within a minute it comes to shutdown mode. Sometimes while watching any video it suddenly goes off.


Post the screenshots or even screenrecord the issue, if it is within minutes then that seems to be a hardware issue. 



I tried this before but its draining so fast that within a minute it comes to shutdown mode. Sometimes while watching any video it suddenly goes off.

I am charging 100% but ,after half day it is showing 0.Every day I am facingthis problem



I tried this before but its draining so fast that within a minute it comes to shutdown mode. Sometimes while watching any video it suddenly goes off.

I am charging 100% but ,after half day it is showing 0.Every day I am facingthis problem 

Bring your smartphone to authorized service in your location, even if you have warranty which is not ended. Authorized service have tools with which will test yours smartphone battery, that's simple, that's right? Slightly_smiling_Face


I have visited nearby sony authorised service centre and they had tested my phone's battery. Is showed as battery capacity failed during the test. So i asked them to order a new one but it is not available. Now what to do in that case to get a new battery.


I have visited nearby sony authorised service centre and they had tested my phone's battery. Is showed as battery capacity failed during the test. So i asked them to order a new one but it is not available. Now what to do in that case to get a new battery.

I don't know how is with human right in yours country and how is with authorized service, but if you have valid warranty in my region (offcourse if you are not guilty), authorized service must change for free battery or you can ask to get back yours money or to change with the same price in new another smartphone (usually that doing seller, but you can try to ask about that in authorized service too). Don't give up, coz sometime in my region authorized service i heard doing like that too, so need to scare about humans right and ect., usually they giving up and fixing for free or changing into new smartphone Slightly_smiling_Face

My battery draining little faster too, but i think it's just software issue, coz with full battery i can play games around 1 - 3 hours or maybe little less/more. But from first days (was in authorized service too, tested, changed details) is similar to this. In past time was little bigger, but as i mentioned it's probably software issues. By the way all the time in my smartphone working GPS, internet (4G), sometime WIFI, bluetooth and ect. So it can drain for this reason little more as was in past Slightly_smiling_Face

Battery is not strongest thing of this model Slightly_smiling_Face


I have the same phone and the exact same problem. At first I thought it was because I bought a new charger but the charger is brand new and completely phone always reaches 50% and it dies quickly and sometimes when I'm on YouTube it goes black suddenly and it dies.


Do one thing. Go to local market and check whether c5 battery is available or not.

I did it and succeeded.

I purchased c5 battery from local market and changed it and now its working fine.