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Hi. I would like to get the text back. There are many that I do not receive any sms although they se


Hi. I would like to get the text back. There are many that I do not receive any sms although they se

Hi. I would like to get the text back. There are many that I do not receive any sms although they send.



Hi @PGPALM2020, welcome to our forum!

Your question has been translated to English as this is an International forum, please post any replies in English and it will be easier for me and other users to assist you.

Do you want restore deleted SMS or are you not receiving all text messages that are sent to you?

To restore messages you need to have them backed up, since there is no recycle bin in the device and as soon as you delete something it's gone.

If you don't receive all text messages, is it from the same contacts or can you receive 1 text message from contact 1 but then contact 1 answers yours and you don't get the answer? There isn't really any settings in the device for this, so if that is the case, get in touch with your operator and ask them to send you a new SIM card or if they can do some troubleshooting at their end.

Let me know if that helps!