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PRS-T1 - buying eBooks from the device?

PRS-T1 - buying eBooks from the device?


I just got my shiny new eReader (PRS-T1), but discovered that the Sony eBook store is not yet available in the UK.

I also looked at various online eBook stores, but they all seem to require some software called Adobe Digital Editions, which isn't available for Linux.  No, I don't have Windows, nor a Mac, and I'm not interested in purchasing either.

Part of the reason I chose the Sony eReader was because it was advertised as being able to purchase and download books directly to the device via Wifi.  However, at least the purchasing side of things does not appear to be supported (yet)?

Any hints much appreciated.

In the meantime, there's Project Gutenberg I suppose..


- Micha.


OK , well, as far as I've now found, you don't need to worry  -  sits with fingies xed waiting forn brickbats.....

First,  ....y obvious I know, but do you have a viable wifi connection ?

We have plusnet at home, but also BT thon for free hotspots and another I disremember at the moment.

If, for example at a hotel, they may have a free wifi connection, or they'll charge you to use it (weekly or whatever) The myth of downloading on a beach is, unless you're in front of the hotel ,quite near, is just that, a myth - whatever reader you have.

Having established that, for example, try Waterstones on the browser, just to try things out.

You'll need to open an account - all stores will need this, I think.

Once you've done that, pick a book (try a .49p one or two first ! ).

Buy iy it, and it will tell you you need to download Adobe Digital Editions if you haven't got it.

Do so, it's free. It enables the reader to download your book.

Now you'll be able to download the book, wifily, without a problem - at least, that's what happened to me, Mr Tech-Dunce.

And yes, Gutenberg, and I suggest (as I always do !) you go join (free)  MobileRead Forums - a global site for ereaders and their machines of all types. Lots of help, offers, advice, controversy, and a vast (free ) library, whose contents are continuously being uprated, improved,  & added to all the time.

Plus lists of (legal) frre sites which are excellent.

No reader should be without it.

Hope this helps, but am very prepared for flames, shooting , down etc...

I must say, I'm delighted with the T1.

Updates coming by the way, keep an eye on Support - or MobileRead !

Oh - Sony store is hopefully opening in January - I think copywrite problems as well as technical concerns are factors here.

But you can buy from all the usual culprits.

Hi carpetmojo,

Many thanks for your helpful response - unfortunately I've already tried all of that :slight_smile:

As I pointed out, I can't actually get Adobe Digital Editions to run at home, because I don't have Windows or a Mac.

In the meantime I have been allowed to install the software on my work machine (which is Windows 7), however I still haven't managed to register my T1 with it since it always complains about network access - it appears our firewall is causing issues there, and there is NO way that that is going to get disabled just for me to register my reader!!

(Just to clarify: Adobe Digital Editions is fine, and I've got myself an Adobe ID.  It's the Reader software from Sony that's refusing to do things properly and can't seem to register the T1 with Adobe).

Also thanks for the suggestions of the MobileRead site -  I asked the same question there already and haven't gotten much further there either.  See:

So far, it looks like I will be able to purchase and download books directly from the device - but only AFTER I have managed to register it using the Sony software on a Windows computer; and THAT is the step that's proving to be impossible for me.


- Micha.

mwerle, sounds like a thorny problem !

I think you definitely need to contact Sony - obviously the PC software seems the problem, in that it seems you need  Reader4PC  regardless, that I didn't realise, apologies.

Perhaps Thalamus or drumzman can join the fray please ?

Indeed :slight_frown:

I've now taken the time to try the software out on Linux using Wine, and it was partially successful: I could install Adobe Digital Editions and authorize to my Adobe ID. (Had to use a direct link to download the Adobe software; it can't be installed from the normal link on their website).

I then downloaded the latest version of the Sony "Reader for PC" software (again, using the version supplied on the reader itself failed to install) and installed that successfully under Wine. It even said that 'This computer has an authorised Adobe ID' or whatever under 'Help -> About'.

I could even go to the Store and it displayed some links to Waterstones and WH Smith - so I got further than under Windows in this respect!

Unfortunately, neither Adobe DE nor Reader for PC will detect the Reader when running under Wine.  So close and yet so far :slight_frown:

Very frustrating.

As a last resort, I changed my Readers region from UK to US, and tried to sign on to the Sony store directly over WiFi.  I managed to create an account (I think), but after the last step it took ages and finally popped up some error message about the connection not being available (Code -1087), which is ridiculous since I definitely had an Internet Connection.  Whenever I try to sign in, I get the same error.

Apart from that I seem to be able to browse the store, but the reader still says it's not associated with an Adobe ID in its 'About' section.

Sony definitely needs to provide a way to register the damn reader (excuse my language!) directly from the device!  I may be in the minority as far as using a Linux PC is concerned, but what about people (esp. older people such as my grandparents) who may not have a PC at all?

Anyway, thanks for your time,

- Micha.

Message was edited by: mwerle

Message was edited by: mwerle

Hi Micha,

I don't have a PRS-T1 as yet (although I've dropped some heavy hints in Santa's direction(!) so here's hoping!).

However, from doing a bit of reading around I think there may be a solution to your problem......that I think is the good news, but there is some bad news as well.

With all previous Sony Readers the Adobe authorisation process happened when you first transferred a copyright protected eBook from your computer to the Reader itself.  This would seem to be the case for the PRS-T1 as well.  However, in your case, where you are trying to authorise the Reader in isolation without using a computer I can see why you are experiencing difficulties.  It seems that you can authorise the PRS-T1 using the wi-fi only (the good news), but the process to achieve this is by creating an account with the new Reader Store (which as we all know is "coming soon" - the bad news!) whereupon an Adobe ID authorisation is an automatic part of this apparently.

I guess the situation is that a solution is imminent, but a little more patience(!) is required - let's hope the wait won't be too much longer ... for all of us.

Hi Drunzman,

Many thanks for your reply; I had somewhat forgotten about this thread as the discussion on the mobileread forums took off.  Seems the community is far more active there than here, I was hoping for an 'official' answer here I guess.

In either case, I've since managed to register my reader with a Windows PC, and since then I've been very happy with it being able to check out library books and purchasing books from online stores directly from the device.

It still seems to me to be a -huge- issue that Sony does not provide a way for current owners to register their devices via Wifi here in the UK.  The regional storefronts should at least be functional enough for that task, even if the rest of the store is not complete yet, especially since they strongly advertise the wifi lending and purchasing features.


- Micha.