
PS4 competition



Hello, I entered the PS4 competition, actually won (shock!!).... So I sent off my stuff and I have not heard anything.


I have tried to use the "contact us" form but it keeps crashing out no matter which computer/browser I am using... 

Does anyone have an email address to contact them?


Thanking you in advance xx

286 REPLIES 286

My status has gone to compliant now :slight_smile:


Keeping everything crossed :slight_smile:


My Status is compliant from more than two weeks now. Yesterday, I have emailed to support again and have not heard anything back yet. But expecting a standard reply which I have received 2-3 times before as well. 


Still nothing , sony says that they will re-send ps4 in middle this week but  the week almost past away and still no info about ours prizes .Can someone from sony chase that please ?


yes, week is almost over now. My status is still compliant. Send an email to Sony 2 days ago after waiting for an update from them for a week. Have not heard anything back yet. Can someone give them a nudge.


Go the following email reply 3rd tile in last 8 weeks of waiting. While my status is still Compliant.


Being a CRM technical consultant myself, I can tell you that it might be their standard email template, they don't even copy and paste it :slight_smile:


Thank you for your recent email.


We confirm that the case is under investigation, we also would like to inform you that once we receive any updates we will be contacting you.


Should you have any further questions, please feel free to reply to this email.

Thank you for your enquiry.

Yours sincerely,           


Did someone get playstation allready ? or tracking number or still complient status , can somenoe from SONY tem answer to our questions why its taking so long and how long that gonna take

I haven't yet, just keep getting fobbed off with:


we can confirm that your case is still under investigation and you will be updated as soon as possible.


I have not 😞


@Daniel_Hatcher I got the similar message every every week. But In reply to my emails and phone call, I have received a reply today saying " We can confirm that your claim is now compliant".


I already knew it because I can check the status online and it is 'Compliant' from long time now. What I wanted to know was when I will receive PS4. Not a helpful answer at all. 

Not applicable



Hi there


Are you able to post in summary form (preferably bullet point) the exact issue/s that you have been having?






Can someone from sony explain  if our status since 2-3 weeks shows complaint ,and i been told in email that i will recive ps durring next 10 days ,why we are still waiting .I would like remind that competition has ended on 17.08.14

Also why there is no telephone number or email adress to guys who dealing with that competition they must have some kind of telephone number or email i dont think that they work in some kind of  underground building with no telephone.

I think more then week ago you posted that sony will restart sending ps to the  winners in last week .

And last thing when i call sony ,answer is always the same my case is under investigation , so my question is how long sony will investigate in 21st century when we have mobile phones ,internet etc..

If my status is compliant what elese need to be under investigation


Thank you