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Demand 5 not working since update 1/14 (BDP-S1100)

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Demand 5 not working since update 1/14 (BDP-S1100)

I don't hold out much hope of this being fixed by writing this as I've seen at least one other thread about it, but ever since demand 5 was updated on my box, it has not been able to play any video. I just get the "whoops, the programme you are trying to watch isn't currently available..." message.

I've tried all sorts of resets and updates, including a few factory resets. Should I be taking this back for an exchange?


There was a message on my Sony Smart Player stating that an upgrade was available. I upgraded and Demand 5 is now working.


Can you please tell me the number of the latest update, demand 5 still not working for me/

No aplicable

Hi there




If you have updated to this firmware and it still doesnt work - try performing a factory reset on the unit.


Update to version M14.R.0172 for Blu-ray player

Relevant Products

This information is applicable for the following Blu-ray Disc player models:

  • BDP-S1100 / S3100

About this download

Updating is simple and with the newest firmware version, you can get even more from your Blu-ray player.

  • Name: Blu-ray player firmware to version M14.R.0172
  • Date released: 05/03/2014
  • Benefits and improvements:
    • BRAVIA Internet Video: YouTube Leanback playability
    • Sony Entertainment Network: Opera Apps connectivity
    • BD-ROM playability
  • Restrictions: only for use with Blu-ray players sold in Europe. Not all models are sold in all countries

The latest software version is M14.R.0172

I can access Demand 5 but cannot see all the content. I have posted on this subject. 5OD seems limited on my player and telly to popular shows rather thal all content. Same with you?



Hahah, you got caught out also?!! Demand5 has changed the way the interface works recently. I couldn't find the Films tab the other day but they've made it harder to find along with most other content. You have to go down to the bottom arrow on the screen and either scroll up or down to change the menus of available content.


Demand5 interface sucks! It's not at all intuitive. :nerd:

The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14

I still can't get Gotham on it! I scrolled through the menu and it still shows the popular shows as thumbnails. I tried a search but it said 'Not found'. Any ideas?

Maybe you haven't figured out the up & down arrow bit yet?


I did a search the other day for 'FILMS' because I couldn't find the film tab but the search came up empty, go figure!! Of course once you've mastered the up & down arrow the film tab appears.


Not sure about Gotham, are you in the UK?


The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14