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My RDR-HXD890 has been stuck displaying 'UPDATING' for at least 2 days.
All front panel buttons & remote have no effect.
After Power cycling, the machine returned to the same state.
After searching Internet forums, I found many posts from people with the same issue. Most were dated around 2019.
I tried most of the suggestions:-
A Soft Reset got the machine out of update mode but EPG no longer works and, following auto-tuning, all BBC channels are missing. All other Freeview channels were found.
A Factory Reset did not fix the problem.
The machine displays Software Version 115. I tried to initiate a manual firmware update but no updates were found.
Has there been a recent change with Freeview EPG such that it is no longer compatible with this machine?
My first record of the problem happening seems to go back to July 2013. Fast forward 10 years and they still haven't resolved it so won't be expecting a fix any time soon.
If the matter is one of data validation (as per link above from Mooly01) then it's amazing really that whatever system is used for inputting the EPG doesn't have some kind of data validation or restriction on it to prevent broadcasters submitting incompatible data into the EPG system.
Looking at the list of channel changes/additions/shuffles which went on a few days ago, a lot of these new 'broadcasters' probably consist of nothing more than a computer in a data centre somewhere streaming programmes and an office address so seems improbable that any robust technical controls are likely to exist within that sort of an organisation!
I have always been happy with Sony products. I have the same problem with my RDR-HXD1095
Does anyone have any ideas on what we can do? Can Sony put any pressure on Freeview?
Is is worth waiting in the hope that the incompatible EPG is fixed, or do we all need to by new machines?
I note that there are very few comparable machines available (eg Panasonic DMR-EX97EB-K (£299))
As consumers, all we can do is put pressure on manufacturers, broadcast authorities, ofcom etc. to try and make sure EPG updates do not break older equipment.
IMHO, all receiving equipment should be made remotely updateable so that future EPG changes can always be made to work.
The Sony devices are just a bit too old to have had a network connection fitted. If they did it might have made updating easier.
If it is not the EPG problems which finally kill off the Sony recorders it will probably be some other technological change (such as if DVB-T2 replaces DVB-T for most channels).
Suspect even some dedicated Sony fans will eventually get fed up with all of the disruption caused by regular Freeview channel updates and opt to purchase some newer equipment.
Yes - progress and profit will always win over sustainabilty.
Thats why the planet and human race are doomed to extinction 🙂
Chuck it in the landfill, buy a new one. That's progress.
To be fair, the quality of program material broadcast on TV these days (especially Freeview) is so bad, why would anyone want to record it (apart from removing annoying ads).
Been messing since Friday 25/08/23
Multiple resets ,seems to work for a while EPG colour different then reverts to normal colour after a while ,sometimes after reset picture lasts a few seconds. As soon as it is switched off it goes into update mode.
I did a reset last night. EPG was working but different colour. Machine switched itself off after recording but this morning all back to normal. Hopefully it will last!
Captain log. Stardate: 280823
No further on. Updates every day followed by the machine either not turning on or if it does the EPG is blue and after a few minutes the machine crashes.
Im now contemplating buying a new digi-box and sending freeview the bill. 🤔
Try the procedure from Mooly below
I have been using it for the last few days (minus step #7 and my tuning is set to France in my case) but my machine is working OK. The updates do not cause a loop and I was able to make a recording on Saturday evening.
You don’t get an EPG guide and you have to set any timer recordings manually using the old analogue timer interface, which is a bit clunky.
When you start the machine up, BBC1 shows a blank/black screen but moving to another channel and back to BBC1 does bring BBC1 back to life.
It will do as a workaround while waiting to see if it gets fixed. My model is the RDR-HXD970. Results may vary by machine type.
Kudos to Mooly for posting it.