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Hello everyone,
I play asphalt7 in my xperia on regular basis. There was no problem. Last night when I opened asphalt,it opened silently, though my phone wasn’t on silent mode. And after that my whole media sound is not working at all. I have tried in every way to bring it back; even I have done factory reset. But still no media sound (which includes Walkman, apps , video).please help!!!!
thanks in advance for ur help
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try plugging in your earphone and then remove it. mine happens some times i plug the earphone and remove it and it works!
by the way my ringer and alarm sounds are working fine
Try to restart the phone.
Check if you have certain apps installed such as: Battery saver-app, Task manager, Task killer-app, Anti-Virus-app.
Uninstall those apps and see if the problem is solved
What happens if you reinstall for example Asphalt 7?
Same result?
told u i have done factory reset!it wipes all application as well settings.but no result
it really worked!!
is there any permanent solution?? its really a awful problem!is it a hardware problem??
Not all of us experience this issue.It sounds more like a software glitch.
now im updating to 6.2.A.1.100 firmware...hopefully it has less problem then the preivous jelly bean update
Please mark as correct answer!
I have the same issues with my Xperia XA1. I bought the phone few days ago, updated it to the latest xperia software. Everything works fine then suddenly the media audio is not working (no audio for mp4, mp3) but ringtone, notif sound, and headset working. Done resetting it, rebooting it, and removing the earphone back and from but still did not work. Need help here. Thanks