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Xperia "touch tone" on keyboard

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Xperia "touch tone" on keyboard

ok - so i forgot to lock my phone - who doest?!

but having found i had dialed my parents and changed my fbk profile status.... the keypad is now making that annoying blip when i type.

So i went back to settings and "audible touch tones" is NOT selected...

how can i silence the keys... PLEASE!!!!



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Alter Hase

Is the sound on the Dialler or on the qwerty keyboard, or both?

If its the dialler that is controlled with the Sound & Display menu and Audible Touch Tones.

If its the keyboard you can go into the Locale & Text menu and select the keyboard you are using and turn it off from in there.

If you have done both of these, you could try taking the battery out of a minute and then putting it back in to make the system reboot itself and see if that clears it.

Hope you get sorted!

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Hmmm.  Odd.  Is it beeping whatever you do?  It couldn't be a setting for a specific application, I suppose...?  The only place I had known to change this was with the 'audible touch tones' box, which you say is unticked.  I'll fiddle with my phone a bit more and let you know if I find anything.

Sometimes it seems to work to tick a box and then untick it again, or to turn the phone off and on again.

Alter Hase

Is the sound on the Dialler or on the qwerty keyboard, or both?

If its the dialler that is controlled with the Sound & Display menu and Audible Touch Tones.

If its the keyboard you can go into the Locale & Text menu and select the keyboard you are using and turn it off from in there.

If you have done both of these, you could try taking the battery out of a minute and then putting it back in to make the system reboot itself and see if that clears it.

Hope you get sorted!

Nicht anwendbar

Thank you Suze

There was no sound made on the dialler - just the qwerty.

Id love to know how i managed to turn that on whith it in my pocket, conder what other damage i can inflict withouth the keylock on Dizzy_Face