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Zylo, Sender name not shown in SMS Problem

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Zylo, Sender name not shown in SMS Problem

I owned a Zylo Phone on October 2010.. Due to some restrictions in usage i switched off my phone for a couple of minutes on March 26th 2011..

Here my problem araised when i switched ON it...

My contact list contains 250 contacts in SIM & a copy in phone and 58 extra contacts in Phone alone because phone supports 7000 numbers.

When i received an SMS, if the sender contact is in SIM and Phone, her name is diplayed. If the sender contact is in Phone alone her name is not displayed, only number is displayed.

I seen many threads posting the same problem. But i havent found a solution yet.

How can i contact Ericsson support team to resolve this problem. or any patches released to fix it? Please help me!!!

Thanks in advance!!!

Arun - India...


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Well you can try running the SE update service on the phone and see if this resolves the issue.Failing that, try a Master reset.

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3 ODPOW. 3

Well you can try running the SE update service on the phone and see if this resolves the issue.Failing that, try a Master reset.

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I downloaded Update service from sony ericsson website and installed it...

Then i tried to update software in my phone in online internet connection.. it downloaded 135 mb software and installed ..

FOllow the instructions given in it...

Most of the problems are fixed...

Thanks for solution


No problem.