No TV Signal when an HDMI port is in use?


No TV Signal when an HDMI port is in use?


I'm trying to solve this for use with my Raspberry Pi but I have the same issue with my BluRay player.

I have a Bravia KDL-32EX713 and I want to use my Raspberry Pi to record TV when watching something else.

The problem is, when the Raspberry Pi is on and connected via HDMI, the TV says there is no signal. If I turn the R-Pi off, the TV works again.

Can anyone explain this and if there is a way to solve it?



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TastyMushroom wrote:

The loss of TV signal appears to be predicated on an HDMI connection to the TV being active.

How odd. Im wondering if there is electrical interferance. What is the condition and quality of your aerial lead feeding into your TV, and the quality of the HDMI leads. If they are the cheap and nasty type or damaged in any way, I would have these replaced.

I started writing a whole heaps of things, then scrubbed it, because I remembered that you said about your Bluray player has the same issue too. So, Im going on my answer above. The cabling. A good quality aerial cable is always a must in my oppinion. I use a brand called Lindy for aerial cables, and its never let me down (my oppinion anyhow)

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Hi there

Am I on the understanding that you have put an aerial splitter feeding the TV and RPi or have you got 2 TV aerial connections? Can I also confirm that this is a reception issue and not a HDMI connection issue? As you can see, im fishing for more information on the setup and connectivity.

On a side note, I was just researching the Raspberry Pi last night. Im looking for a cheap 'toy' to be honest. Other than this issue, how are you finding it?


Message was edited by: Quinnicus


At the moment there is no splitter - just one aerial connection in place. I am planning to run a PVR, but haven't got there yet.

You are correct, this is a reception issue and not an HDMI connection issue.

When the RPi is turned off and the HDMI connection is 'inactive' the TV works fine - good reception on all channels.

When I turn the RPi on (or my BluRay Player for that matter - which I also tested) and the HDMI connection is 'active' I loose reception on the TV - I noticed this as I want to leave the RPi on permanently, but also want to be able to watch the TV.

The loss of TV signal appears to be predicated on an HDMI connection to the TV being active.

As for the RPi - it is quite brilliant. I have no prior knowledge of code or programming. Within 30mins of getting all the gubbins together I had raspbmc (XBMC for RPi) up and running, connected to my NAS and playing video. I've also got wifi working.

Cheers for your help.

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TastyMushroom wrote:

The loss of TV signal appears to be predicated on an HDMI connection to the TV being active.

How odd. Im wondering if there is electrical interferance. What is the condition and quality of your aerial lead feeding into your TV, and the quality of the HDMI leads. If they are the cheap and nasty type or damaged in any way, I would have these replaced.

I started writing a whole heaps of things, then scrubbed it, because I remembered that you said about your Bluray player has the same issue too. So, Im going on my answer above. The cabling. A good quality aerial cable is always a must in my oppinion. I use a brand called Lindy for aerial cables, and its never let me down (my oppinion anyhow)

It looks as though you may well be right. The HDMI Cable is pretty chunky, but looking more closley at the aerial cable, it looks pretty shoddy.

Google suggests some CT100 as a good solution - so a trip down to maplins is in order.

Cheers for your help.

Does anyone have more info on this? Did you really fix it by changing the antenna or HDMI cables?


I'm seeing this as well on a different TV model. It worked initially just fine, but for some reason this problem started, and no more DVB-T while HDMI is connected and active. The Signal Strength stays the same, but Signal Quality drops to 0.


I tried it with two computers, also when the computer isn't connected to mains. Same result, generally. With one computer I could sometimes see stuttery and corrupt DVB video, but not always.


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Hey there

Short story time :slight_smile: - About 18 months ago, I was having terrible trouble with my TV freeview signal.  I blamed everything (including the house association from whom I rent from).

I also replaced my aerial cables with the shielded variety.  There was some improvement, for a while.  However I noticed that if I separated my HDMI cabled to my aerial cable (ie not bundled together) I would see further improvement - for a while.

It was until I replaced my 2011 TV for a 2013 one, that I actually found the root problem.  When I plugged my HDMI cable (which is a branded decent type) into the new TV, I got a nice sharp zap.  I was experience electrical voltage leakage (low) from the HDMI connector itself (where the cable meets the connector) - it just never occured to me.  Replaced this particular HDMI cable and all my problems basically disappeared.

Not saying that this is your problem/issue - just saying to check all your cables - thoroughly !

Also have a read into "ferrite cores" that clip onto cables (ensure the right diameter though) - search for it on Amazon and you will see what I mean.

So really my advice is to check cables, and go for the shielded variety - as at least it rules out the problem anyhow.


Whatever it is, it's a mystery how it worked just fine initially, that is, a few days earlier.


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Could it be just coincidence of the HDMI? No other splitters/amplifiers connected?

24/11/2020 got KDL55W905 and the same issue. When HDMI cable is touching aerial cable then signal disappearing. Keep them apart and buy expensive shielded cables like I will have to.