Share your experience!
I've tried most recommended settings and the picture seems yellowy and grey. Everything looks like it's set on a really dull, misty day - even games on the PS3. It might be natural, but it's like there's no sun or lights in the world.
The picture is good, but you don't get that 'pop' in colours. Certainly no WOW factor. All in all a little disappointing and I might have to tinker with Vivid which looks fake but so much more vibrant.
I'm just unmoved by the recommended picture settings which all seem to use Cinema 1 and Warm 2. The picture is dull, expecially so for a LED/LCD. It's as if everyone is obsessed by trying to match the black levels of a plasma, but by compensating natural looking colour. Watching The Jury last night was bleak and then playing in the San Siro on Fifa 12 was like being down the local park on a dull afternoon - no colour at all. Like a very light spepia effect.
Viewing angles are also more noticable than when the set was demonstrated to me. I sence a lot of adjustments to be made over the next few weeks.
What setting is everyone using?
What do you guys find the best settings are for Gaming and HD, as I feel like I should turn down the sharpness from 50. The Game setting just doesn't look right. Do you have all the picture settings on the PS3 turned on - Full Colour (limited or Full) etc?
this is a tough one to answer as usually each tv and room is different and having so many different settings to choose from does not help!, Game mode your on your own there (dont play games!), however on Cinema 1 mode you may wish to set up basic with a THX optimiser which you will find on many DVD's and Blu Ray's,
just look for the THX logo on the back or bottom edge of your collection, you will find it in the menu of the disc.
all in all its down to personal preference, just tinker about till you find the best to suit your needs.
Sony KDL-40EX524
Tuloliitännät Nykyinen Nykyinen
Kuvatila Vakio Omat valinnat
Taustavalo 7 7
Kontrasti 96 96
Kirkkaus: 50 50
Värikylläisyys 53 53
Värisävy 0 0
Värilämpötila Lämmin 2 Lämmin 2
Terävyys 50 50
Kohinanvaimennus Pois Pois
MPEG-kohinanvaimennus Pois Pois
Pistekohinan vaimennus Pois Pois
Elokuvatila Pois Pois
Mustan taso Pois Pois
Kontr.korostuksen lisäaset. Pois Pois
Gamma-säätö +1 +1
Kirkkauden rajoitin Pois Pois
Valkoisen korostus Pois Pois
Värien elävyys Pois Pois
Kirkkaustaso (punainen) -1 -1
Kirkkaustaso (vihreä) 0 0
Kirkkaustaso (sininen) -4 -4
Mustan taso (punainen) 0 0
Mustan taso (vihreä) 0 0
Mustan taso (sininen) 0 0
Yksityiskohtien tehostin Pois Pois
Reunantehostin Matala Pois
Ihonvärin hienosäätöPois Pois
I/p-muunnosLaatu Laatu
Kuvasuhde Normaali Laaja
Autom. kuvasuhde Päällä Päällä
4:3-oletus Normaali Normaali
Automaattinen näyttöaluePois Päällä
Näyttöalue +1 Täyskuva
Näytön asemointi Kaikki 0 0
Pystykoko0 0
Videon tuloasetukset
Värimatriisi Autom.
HDMI-dynamiikka Autom.
Näyttötilan valinta Omat asetukset
Virransäästö Pois Pois
Valotunnistin Pois Pois