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FE41Z external display problem


FE41Z external display problem

Hey guy's my first post here!

I've had my FE41z for about a year now, and just recently bought a 22inch lenovo L220x monitor to use as an external display since i've moved into a bigger place.

It's not gone well.

it'll be working fine one second with both monitors on, then all of a sudden it'll go crazy, flashing vertical black lines all over the place, and changing resolutions, before going off, and coming on again a few seconds later. i've tried without using both monitors and only having the lenovo on but it still does the same.

I've updated the display drivers from the vaio site but that never helped, also got latest monitor drivers but still no joy.

Anyone else had a similar problem, or any ideas whats going on



Hi, I'm having a similar problem with a VAIO SVP1321. When I close the lid (power settings to : do nothing) the computer shuts off the internal monitor and keeps only the external one(so far so good). After a few seconds, the external monitor goes off and then on again. This repeats every couple minutes as long as the lid is closed. If I open the lid, the system goes back to dual display and the problem stops Anyone has an idea how to fix this? Thanks Dimitri