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CDX-DAB700U Memory stick file structure problems?

CDX-DAB700U Memory stick file structure problems?

Hello there,

I installed the head unit and was using it with my music on a 32GB memory stick and up 'till now its been excelent, problem is i got annoyed by the untidy file structure i had and decided to make things a bit neater. This meant that i had to create a lot of extra files to split the artists up and make them easier to find via the head unit. the problem is that ever since when i run from the memory stick the vast majority of files are not seen and canot be found, if i remember correctly i can only access somewhere between the mid N's to the end of the T's before it will scroll back to the top again (starting at whatever N it is). Therefore no ACDC :slight_frown:

Just for information i didnt add much more music, if any, when i sorted out the file structure, just re aranged what was allready there, and at the moment there is 13.3GB used.

would there happen to be a maximum amount of files the device can see on the root of the storage device (as every artist has its own folder on the root of the stick) perhaps. i am going to try putting the artists into first initial files on the root to see if this gives me access to everything, although i would still prefer to have that one less step, gets a little awkward when trying to steer, change gear, light a fag, drink some coffe and send a text.. :wink:

any help you can give would be apriciated..

cheers, charlie.

Message was edited by: CH47LIE


With my Sony headunit you can only have a maximum of 120 folders on the memory stick, this includes folders within folders.

The best thing for you to do and what I do, is have one folder for each artist and then cram all the songs for that artist in that folder.

The same thing happened to me until I done this.

Ah i see so its 120 folderes in total.. not just per layer, that makes sense because as i said i was going to try making letter folders, i still had the same problem. a n d come to think if it it is probably about 120 foldersworth that i can see.. cheers for that i'll have a go at bringing the overall number back down and see how that helps :)

Yeah so basically.

If you have it like this Folder: AC/DC >> Folder: Highway To Hell >> Album tracks

Folder: Let There Be Rock >> Album tracks

That's 3 folders out of your 120 quota.

I have it so it's AC/DC >> All songs by ac/dc in here.

That way you use 1 folder. Once you count up all the music you have, you could have hundreds of folders if you do it the first way.