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Music Unlimited 1.6 - Connection issue @ 84% load

Music Unlimited 1.6 - Connection issue @ 84% load

Firstly, sorry if this is in the wrong place, there does not seem to be an option for etiehr Music or Video Unlimited.

I have been a user of the Music Unlimited service for a couple of months (purchase during Playstation + offer) and only use Android devices, i.e. tablets and phones.

The new Tablet version of Music Unlimited works OK on my Nexus 7, i.e. I can open the app and listent o music.

However, the new version of the phone app (v1.6) will not load fully. When it gets to around 84% it stats that a server connection cannot be established. I am using a Nexus 4 with JB 4.2.1 (on both tablet and phone).

I have tried to regress the app to an earlier version, but it always forces me to upgrade to the latest.

If you look at the Google Play Store, you will find many unhappy people, adding a few comments yourselfs as developers (now allowed on the store) to let people know you are aware of the problem would be nice.



Message was edited by: -Cass-

Edited for personal details


I knwo this has not been replied to or answered, but I would like to give an update on the exerpeince since v1.6.1 was reverted back to v1.5.3 in the Play Store.

On 1st 're-installing' v1.5.3 I managed to log on to Music Unlimited with my Nexus 4, however, the next day we were back to the same connection issue (on about 71%).

This suggests it's not a problem with the Android App, but the connection server.  I have seen this before in my job when the 'times' are out too far between the App and Server, i.e. there needs to be a timesync to ensure the user can access the server and to deal with updates/syncs/auto log off.