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My Mz-nh600 will not read any discs

My Mz-nh600 will not read any discs

I have a Mz-nh600 mini disc player but it won't play any disc when entered I have tried a lens cleaner but it still doesn't work,  can any one help.



I'm affraid your player needs specialist attention... If you want to try to fix it your self, first what you can do is push the lens down to the disc rotaiting motor, in that way, when you put in the disc and push play, if the lens goes to the outer side, you'll know, that the lens moving motor is fine, which would mean your lens is faulty... If it does not move, then your lens might be fine, but the lens moving motor might be faulty, or in worst case - both.

Anyhow, eventually you'll have to dissasemble your unit, to check for loose wires or when you get part you need, you'll have to do some soldering (most likely)...

I know it is not much help here, but just to give you a little thought what it might require if you go DIY way...