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Windows 8.1 - couple of issues after update

Hello All,


I have updated my VAIO Fit Red 15 (SVF15A1C5ER) to Win 8.1 immediately on the first day of its availability and have noticed couple of unresolved issues since then relating most likely to device drivers (issued by SONY).


Although I've found some of them were mentioned in other threads, have decided to collate them here. I'll be glad to receive comments and resolutions.


1. Graphics driver (INTEL) - hardware acceleration whilst watching FLASH clips (Youtube for instance) no longer supported, resulting with three quarters of green screen whilst previewing in full screen mode. Disabling hardware acceleration temporary resolves the issue, however side effects are choppy playout and increased CPU usage leading to fan noise.


2. VAIO Power management (?) - after computer goes to sleep (lid closed) I am unable to adjust screen brightness anymore. Issue temporary fixed by using hint from another thread (deleting sony_acpi_battery_input.dll from VAIO CARE folder) - but not sure what other side effects are involved as this is not elegant fix.


3. NFC proximity device apparently does not seem to be working at all - sensor under trackpad does not seem to discover my phone anymore - it had prior to upgrade - although it is shown as installed correctly in Device Manager.


I've had an issue with iTunes crashing upon launch, that I originally related to the graphic driver issue, however have found resolution by another unelegant fix (copying QTMovieWin.dll to another folder). Worth mentioning though in case someone else encounter this problem.


On the positive side I can confirm that laptop seem to be connected to WiFi much more stabler that it used to in the past regardless of the status of Bluetooth connection.


Otherwise laptop seem to be fine and apart from intrinsic and omnipotent noise from fan (can't get used to it, had virtually silent Apple Powerbook before!) performs great.


SONY, please comment and advise how and when the above issues are to be resolved.





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