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SVF1521PEB Vaio Losing WiFi Connection Every 20 Minutes

I know I'm not alone because I've seen other postings about this.


This laptop loses the internet connection every 20 minutes or so.


1. There is NOTHING wrong with the router. All software on the router is updated.

2. EVERY other device connected to the router has absolutely NO problem staying connected.

3. ONLY the Sony Vaio loses the connection every 20 minutes or so, and then takes forever re-connecting.

4. I've done all of the updates on the laptop. Including Windows and Vaio Care updates.

5. I've looked on the support website several times over. I cannot see where I can re-install WiFi drivers for this laptop.




What do I do? If I don't get a satisfactory resolution from Sony then I'm returning the laptop. I've only had it 4 months.

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