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How do I stop Google maps knowing my location when I use the camera app


How do I stop Google maps knowing my location when I use the camera app

I have geotags turned off yet everytime I take a photo Google maps opens up and logs my location. This is a privacy issue and I hate it. I know that I could go nuclear and turn off location for everything but I don't want to do this.

Hi I think you have to turn off also the location functionality in the settings.

as answered above try to check your settings

camera>settings>save location>off

you could also try to clear google maps data

settings>apps>google maps>clear data

settings>apps>camera>clear data

restart your device


Save location is off in the camera app.
So this isn't an Android/Xperia thing, it is possible have location switched on for maps and Chrome but for the camera not to use it?

@Sunking101 wrote:
Save location is off in the camera app.
So this isn't an Android/Xperia thing, it is possible have location switched on for maps and Chrome but for the camera not to use it?

That's exactly what "Save Location" setting does in Camera app. If you set "Save Location" to OFF, Camera app will not include geotags into picture metadata. Everything else will continue to use location information as usual.

Are you trying to say that you have "Save Location" set to OFF in Camera app and Camera still includes geotags in your pictures? It is not reproducible in my XZ.

What you are observing most liklely is not related at all to Camera app geotagging your photos (no, your photos do not contain geotags if "Save Location" is set to OFF in Camera app). What you see is Google's own software trying to tie your pictures (uploaded to Google storage) to specific locations. This should be controllable through Google settings.


No, I'm saying that whenever I take a photo I get some comment in my notifications dropdown from Google maps stating my precise location and would I like to save it or something.

@Sunking101 wrote:
No, I'm saying that whenever I take a photo I get some comment in my notifications dropdown from Google maps stating my precise location and would I like to save it or something.

The Camera app is not the culprit here. Camera app by itself has nothing to do with it.

What you experience is done by Goggle apps, not by Camera app. If you want to disable this, you have to look through Google privacy settings. Camera app is not to blame in this case.

Are you by any chance automatically uploading your photos to public Google+ albums?


It does have something to do with the camera app, how else does Google maps know that I've taken a photo?
I use the Xperiq camera app and the Xperia photo 'album' app that came standard with my phone. I just hate Google maps draining my battery every time I take a photo, and I also hate the lack of privacy. The only time I want to use Google maps is when I need some directions, otherwise it can butt-out.

I agree with @Korben-Dallas, this seems to be a google feature, though I am not familliar with it and cannot replicate with my XZ too..

i googled something about it and here are the results.

try to disable Google maps for a while and take a picture, does it still pop up?


If I disable maps it doesn't happen....