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After the update this morning, all my voice notes through whatsapp or any other apps have really low volume. Even my receivers feel the low volume. In adittion, there is no accesory settings on audio settings.
Audio recording on videos work fine. Reboot or power off did not solve the issue.
Did android 10 broke this?
Having the exact same problem, same model phone, same android version.
Same problem. After updating xz3 to Android 10, on WhatsApp all my voice messages are almost inaudible. Please correct as soon as possible.
The microphone don't work on apps like WhatsApp or Messenger or screen capture.
Only works fine if Connect a external microphone. Please, solve this, is very important, or explain how to rollback the device to a previous versión
Hey, 2 friends and I, have the xz3 for over a year now and all 3 got the same problem as you guys after the Android 10 update...
I hope the fix comes VERY soon...
Desde la actualización a Android 10 tengo problemas con el micrófono, no se escuchan. Is mensajes de voz (WhatsApp) o en grabación de voz, se escucha muy débil.
En las llamadas si activo altavoz no me escuchan yo si a ellos, falla micrófono.
He probado restablecer datos de fábrica y me ha funcionado bien al principio pero ahora vuelve a funcionar mal.
Since the update to Android 10 I have problems with the microphone, they are not heard. Is voice messages (WhatsApp) or voice recording, you hear very weak.
In the calls, if I activate the loudspeaker, they do not listen to me if they fail, microphone fails.
I tried to restore factory data and it worked well at the beginning but now it works badly again.
Ya,I have the same problem.
Here also the same. I almost have to scream so other can hear me. On phone calls, everything seems to be ok. Maybe it's a whatsapp/Facebook problem. Please come with an update soon. Thanks!
I have the exact same problem here with my xz3 after updated to Android 10.
Same here, after update to Android 10, voice call via bluetooth do not work. I can hear fine, but others cant hear me.
Doesnt work in a car, and with two different bluetooth headsets (one of those is Sony WH-1000xm3)
Dont know if it very low or simply no sound at all. Very annoying especialy that it doesnt work while driving.