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After the update this morning, all my voice notes through whatsapp or any other apps have really low volume. Even my receivers feel the low volume. In adittion, there is no accesory settings on audio settings.
Audio recording on videos work fine. Reboot or power off did not solve the issue.
Did android 10 broke this?
How can I set the volume on the secondary microphone . When I use wup recorded its very soft,
Same issue here. Two XZ3 in the house and both with exact same problem. Low audio recordings, alarm acting wierd and some delay on finger print sensor. All after Android 10 update.
For me its enough. The lack of support and the terrible experience of being the stupid guy with a sony for so many years is beyond frustration. Fan since Sony Ericsson Walkman, fan since ever, 10 sony phones at the least to see them running under the rest even in camera. The only place where they had improved lately was in firmware updates and now this. No solution no workaround, im the stupid guy with the Sony phone. 10 years of confusing naming and taking wrong phone decisions on every single midterm phone they release. Bye sony, you really deserve to dissappear only because of your continuous bad decisions and forgetting your consumers.
My next phone will not be Sony.
Same case for me
I will move to samsung or huawei
Same thing here. Buying a 800 euros phone and finding out that has white noise during calls and really slow updates is not something i can tolerate....
Meine Sprachnotizen sind zu leise. Telefonieren läuft einwandfrei.
My voice memos are too quiet. Phoning works fine.
Hi There.. same issue here.
Low Volume on Whatsapp audios after update to Android 10. Same thing on Instagram and Facebook Messenger.
Please Sony, this post is 2 weeks old, and nobody from Sony has said anything jet.
I have exactly the same issue as you do, have you solved it?
No, unfortunately not. I really don't want, but I will do the repair software on the Xperia Companion and see if it gets better.