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I'm using Media Go in Sony PC Companion to transfer my photos and videos from pc to phone.
Everything just go smoothly until I switch off my phone and restart, the phone was so hot after restart within a minute, it is unusual since I have not touch anything yet, its just like something running in the background and consume a large battery usage. I check the battery usage and found out this:
Its draining more power than the screen that makes me wonder what is this 'media' is using for? Its just happened after I transfer all my photos and some videos to the 32gb SD card in my phone, the total size is about 2gb+.
After a couple of minutes it seems that the 'media' is stop running and my phone is not so hot like before...
I try to restart the phone again after an hour, and same thing happened again, the usage of 'media' is higher than the screen even after 1 hour of usage.
Can someone tell me is this normal?? I had tried format my SD card and restore factory setting on the phone, firstly I choose to restore without delete the internal memory, and the problem still exist. Then I restore and delete all content in the internal memory, it works and no more 'media' running in background. As long as I didn't transfer media files (photos, video, music) in large amount into the SD card, it would not happen again. But how I can sacrifice all my stuff that not to bringing them to the phone...?
Why would this happen?? Each time I restart my phone it will drains my battery and cause unsual heat on the phone... Is this a bug? Anyone here facing the same problem? Hope to get an answer here, thanks.
Rozwiązane! Idź do rozwiązania.
I didn't root my phone, all the apps that I got now was install in the internal memory, except one, the Candy Crush.
Since CC is not yet support for FHD resolution so I have to download the apk file from somewhere, is this app cause all this happen? Anyway I already uninstall it.
Will try to do, thanks.:smileyhappy:
Found the source of problem, looks like the Candy Crush apk file cause the media application running in the background, even you deleted it after install.
I restore to factory setting and erased everything in SD card and phone memory, didn't put that apk file into SD card and the phone just back to normal after restart.
Moral of the story: Never install any apk file outside Google Play if possible, I got my lesson.