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Buenas noches, el táctil presenta falla en diversas áreas al no responder al tacto. Se realizó pruebas con REINICIO..MODO SEGURO sin tarjeta SIM y de memoria externa. REINICIO DE FABRICA y aun persistió la falla.
Se REEMPLAZO LA PANTALLA TÁCTIL y continúa la falla.
Agradezco su aporte para solución.
Good evening, the touch has a fault in various areas by not responding to touch. Tests were carried out with RESET ... SAFE MODE without SIM card and external memory. FACTORY RESET and the fault still persisted.
TOUCH SCREEN REPLACED and failure continues.
I appreciate your contribution for solution.
I am also facing similar touch screen problem with my devices on few sites i am not sure if that's due to site or my phone screen got damaged.