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[Master Thread] - 4K / 2160p Juddering Issues - Sky/BT


[Master Thread] - 4K / 2160p Juddering Issues - Sky/BT

Hi all - thanks for all the informative information I have found on this community site.


I have recently purchased the above tv and I am using it with a (UK) BT Ultra HD package. The output of the box is 2160p50 and I have set it to 10 bit colour.


Generally speaking I am very happy with the telly but I am experiencing a bug which sounds similar to the "Screen Format: Full" issue reported on another thread.


After a period of watching TV (normally longer extended periods of say 2 hours), the picture starts to judder and the "Screen Format: Full" message flicks on and off. The only way to recover this is to switch the telly off and on again which seems to allow the telly to "resync". This problem happens *every* day when watching TV at least once.


It is not a problem with the BT box as when I switch that on and off the picture problem does not clear.


I have tried different 4K related settings on the telly / BT box but the problem still occurs. Has anyone else noticed this with the TV ?






279 REPLIES 279

Dear All,


I have been following this thread closely, since experiencing the juddering issue with my BT UHD box for the past 4 months or so. Firstly, many thanks to those who have been incredible helpful with the updates.


Having waited patiently for the 30th September update, I installed on my SONY-KD55X8509CBU but am dismayed to report that it has not improved the issue. It began within about 30 minutes of watching a recorded ITV program. Also, since the update the TV now seems to sporadically auto detect the picture (i.e. the screen goes blank for half a second then reappears with the picture details displayed, as though I had changed input).


I think the TV is great, but this issue is just too essential to overlook, so will have to try and seek a replacement/refund.... easier said than done I'm sure!




@MrBedMonkey wrote:

Next firmware better resolve the issue.

What makes you think the next firmware will fix this?  Sony have known about this problem since last year and obviously thought they had fixed it with this latest release, although apparently hadn't bothered testing the fix across their full range of 2015 models.  I'm starting to think that either Sony don't know how to fix this, or there's a hardware limitation causing juddering at high frame rate (50hz) UHD.

Mines a 2016 model and that's not fixed either so it's not just restricted to 2015 models. The only Sony TV i know of that's immune is the zd9 


@zAndy1uk wrote:

Mines a 2016 model and that's not fixed either so it's not just restricted to 2015 models. The only Sony TV i know of that's immune is the zd9 

Good point.  So maybe this so-called fix wasn't a genuine fix after all.  I wonder what testing Sony did to make them think this would fix the juddering problem.  And I wonder if they asked Sky to test the fix as well?

A question for Quinnicus, if you are online today -  Clearly there are some issues with these sets and the Sky Q service at the moment, but do you know if these sets have been tested and proven okay with the PS4 Pro 4K output yet?


Any feedback on this woud be greatly appreciated (as always).

My Model KD43X8309CBU

Would you believe sony if they said yes?

Just spoke to my retailer John Lewis about this saying I want to look at other options and they're washing their hands of it saying it's not a faulty tv it's a software compatability problem and there's nothing they can do, not happy 


Yep jl and playing hard ball these days.

65xd9305 updated with "fix" firmware on day of release but did not do factory reset.

juddering materialised after a few days and occurrence was more frequent. Usual temp fix of either power cycle or change of source .   Today however when the juddering started (Sky Q) I did not switch off or change source. I did flick between UHD and HD material. UHD material showed no judder only evident on HD stuff...after a few minutes the judder corrected it self. Still not ideal so just an observation.

JL - giving me a hard time as well. I have an engineer booked for Thursday to come and look at the problem. Seems a complete waste of time, but I will jump thourgh some of their hoops.


Just received an email from them to say that think mine is a software problem and is not covered. I have told them that I am unable to watch UHD which is why I brought this TV. Not going to be happy if I have to fight with them to get a replacement for a clear issue that Sony have acknolwedged.